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  1. 2016年11月30日 · 根據頂級皮膚科醫生 Dr. Sam Bunting 所指,面部脫毛療程主要分為兩大類:第一類是短效的 ─ 費用較昂貴但能給予即時及低風險的果效;另一類是長效的 — 能提供相對較治本的果效,但亦會衍生較多的副作用。 不過,若果你的毛髮在短時間內突然大量增生,就要立即去預約你的醫生做個檢查,因為這或代表你可能有賀爾蒙系統失調。 以下就跟大家探討一下市面上最常見的 7 種脫毛療程: 專家們,包括 Dr. Bunting 對蜜蠟脫有以下警告:「蜜蠟脫毛的確可以讓你擁有三至四星期光滑無毛的肌膚。 然而,因為毛髮拔除後的毛孔容易受到刺激感染,導致發炎且造成暗瘡的形成,最後帶來暗沈的斑點。 」她更補充,在上唇位置進行高溫的蜜蠟脫毛行為是黑斑病的根源!

  2. 2019年1月24日 · Takeaway. Occasional chin hair can be caused by changing hormones, aging, and genetics. But if it’s more than just a few hairs that are coarser than others, or there’s a sudden increase in...

  3. 2021年12月22日 · Dermatology. 9 Facial Hair Removal Techniques That Get Rid of Unwanted Hair. From tweezing to dermaplaning, here’s how to figure out what’s right for you. By Stephanie Eckelkamp. Medically...

  4. 2021年12月15日 · To prevent irritation, apply a fragrance-free shaving oil, cream or gel before trimming or shaving your facial hair. Shave at the end of or right after you shower when your hair is the softest. Shave in the direction your hair grows and rinse your razor after every swipe. Apply your moisturizer, beard conditioner, or beard oil immediately after ...

  5. List of facial hairstyles. Simple illustration of various styles of facial hair. This is a non-exhaustive list of facial hairstyles . Moustache styles. A moustache is defined as any facial hair grown specifically on the upper lip. There are many different types of moustache. Beard styles.

  6. 當然,無論男性或女性都會有做 Facial 需要,因此Toby 平台上嘅美容院亦會提供男士美容療程,部份美容中心甚至提供男士專屬Facial服務,提供療程包括:男士脫毛、男士美容、激光脫鬚、去印去凹凸洞、眼袋眼圈、暗瘡護理等。

  7. 2019年4月24日 · 1. Shaving. A person can wet shave using a razor and shaving cream. The benefit of shaving is that it is easy to do, pain-free, and affordable. Although effective at removing hair, the results...

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