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    KK [fel]

    n.[C] 可數名詞

    • 1. 不及格 a fail in math 數學不及格

    vi. 不及物動詞

    • 1. 失敗 Our plan has failed. 我們的計畫失敗了。
    • 2. 不及格 She failed in the examination. 她這次考試不及格。

    vt. 及物動詞

    • 1. 失敗;不能;忘記[Y][+to-v] He did very well, but failed to break the record. 他做得很出色,但未破記錄。
    • 2. 沒有通過(考試),評定(學生)不及格 The professor failed almost half of the class. 該教授給班上幾乎一半人評了不及格。

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  2. FAIL翻譯:未成功, 失敗;未能做到, 考試, (使)不及格;(使)未能通過(考試), 未做, 未做;未履行, 停止, 變弱;衰退;失靈, (公司)倒閉,破產, 未幫助, 辜負;對…無能為力…。. 了解更多。.

  3. 不及物動詞. 1. 失敗 Our plan has failed. 我們的計畫失敗了。. He failed in everything he tried. 他做一切事情都失敗了。. 2. 不及格 She failed in the examination. 她這次考試不及格。.

  4. FAIL的意思、 解釋及翻譯:1. to not be successful: 2. to not do what is necessary or expected: 3. to not pass a test or an…。. 了解更多。.

  5. FAIL翻译:未成功, 失败;未能做到, 考试, (使)不及格;(使)未能通过(考试), 未做, 未做;未履行, 停止, 变弱;衰退;失灵, (公司)倒闭,破产, 未帮助, 辜负;对…无能为力…。. 了解更多。.

  6. FAILED翻譯:不成功的,失敗的。了解更多。 something that you do, or a thing that you give someone, that expresses your feelings or intentions, although it might have little practical effect

  7. 1. To be wanting; to fall short; to be or become deficient in any measure or degree up to total absence; to cease to be furnished in the usual or expected manner, or to be altogether cut off from supply; to be lacking; as, streams fail; crops fail . [ 1913 Webster ] As the waters fail from the sea.

  8. fail的 英文釋義 Verb 1. fail to do something; leave something undone; She failed to notice that her child was no longer in his crib The secretary failed to call the customer and the company lost the account 2. be unsuccessful; Where do today's public schools fail?

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