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    KK [ˋfaɪrmən]

    n.[C] 可數名詞

    • 1. 消防隊員,救火隊員 Firemen turned their hoses on the flames. 消防隊員將水管對準火苗。
    • 2. (蒸氣機等的)司爐,火伕

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  2. 4.8 (573) | 已售出 2K+. 行程時間 1 小時. 3天前可免費取消. 現場請出示電子憑證. 首爾除了亂打秀、塗鴉秀、拌飯秀及猛男秀,此時此刻帥氣登場的最新公演- FIREMAN 救火英雄,描述一群立志成為消防員的訓練生的成長過程,以置生死於度外的消防員為主題,75 分鐘 ...

  3. 2020年8月28日 · 消防人員的英文叫做fireman,消防車的英文則叫做fire engine或是fire truck,fire engine 跟fire truck 的中文意思是一樣的,都是指消防車的意思。 「消防車、消防人員」英文應該怎麼說呢?

  4. › wiki › FirefighterFirefighter - Wikipedia

    Rescue, fire protection, civil service, public service, public safety. A firefighter (or fire fighter) is a first responder trained in firefighting, primarily to control and extinguish fires that threaten life and property, as well as to rescue persons from confinement or dangerous situations. Male firefighters are sometimes referred to as ...

  5. fireman n 1: play in which children pretend to put out a fire 2: a laborer who tends fires (as on a coal-fired train or steamship) [syn: {stoker}, {fireman}] 3: a pitcher who does not start the game [syn: {reliever}, {relief pitcher}, {fireman}] 4: a member of a

  6. 爱词霸权威在线词典,为您提供fireman的中文意思,fireman的用法讲解,fireman的读音,fireman的同义词,fireman的反义词,fireman 的例句等英语服务。首页 翻译 背单词 写作校对 词霸下载 用户反馈 专栏平台 登录 fireman是什么意思_fireman用英语怎么说_fireman的 ...

  7. a fireman accidentally discovered the cause of the fire. 一個消防隊員偶然發現了起火的原因。 i'd like to be a fireman because i want to put out fires.

  8. 2018年5月10日 · firefighter 的同義字Policeman/ policemen, fireman/ firemen, chairman/ chairmen, and the like that end with man/ men are universally considered gender-biased terms we should replace with police officer(s), firefighter(s), chairperson(s), and so forth, because nowadays females are socially as competent as males.|A firefighter can be a man or a woman, but a fireman can only be a man. But it ...

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