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  1. FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED的意思、解釋及翻譯:1. used to mean that people will receive something or be dealt with in the order in which they ask…。了解更多。

  2. 在英語-中文(繁體)詞典中的翻譯. first come, first served. idiom. Add to word list. Add to word list. used to mean that people will receive something or be dealt with in the order in which they ask or arrive. 先到先得;先到先接待.

  3. FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED - Cambridge English Dictionary. Meaning of first come, first served in English. first come, first served. idiom. Add to word list. used to mean that people will receive something or be dealt with in the order in which they ask or arrive. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases. First and firstly. at first blush idiom.

  4. 有些人把「先到先得」寫成 “First come, first serve”,其實這是錯誤的寫法,”First come, first serve” 的意思是先到先服務人而不是先到先獲得服務喔。 (1) A: Hi, can I make a reservation for dinner? A: 您好,我可以訂位吃晚餐嗎? B: Oh, we don’t take reservations. Seating is available on a first come, first served basis. B: 歐,我們不接受訂位的,我們是以先到先得的方式入座。 (2)

  5. The expression first come, first served is similar to "the early bird gets the worm." If the new bakery in town offers free cookies first come, first served, you better get in line right now before they run out. There's no making a reservation, no buttering up the owner: the first people there get the cookies.

  6. 2024年3月29日 · The meaning of FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED is —used to say that the people who arrive earliest get served or treated before the people who arrive later. How to use first come, first served in a sentence.

  7. Prov. The first people to arrive will be able to get the best choices. You can't reserve a seat at the movie theater; it's strictly first come, first served. We should get to the book sale as soon as they open; it's first come, first served. See also: first, serve.