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  2. 肌肉鑾搐指的是肝性腦病變特有的拍打性顫抖(flapping tremor),也就是雙手伸直腕關節用力向上變曲手指分開有顫抖的情形。 不過這個現象並非 「肝性腦病變」的專利,肺功能不全、尿毒症、鬱血性心衰竭、安眠藥 及鎮定劑過量、血糖過低、血鉀過 ...

  3. › wiki › AsterixisAsterixis - Wikipedia

    Asterixis, more colloquially referred to as flapping tremor, is not actually a tremor but rather a negative myoclonus. This movement disorder is characterized by an inability to maintain a position, which is demonstrated by jerking movements of the outstretched hands when bent upward at the wrist (which can be similar to a bird ...

    • Flapping tremor, liver flap
  4. 撲翼樣震顫是嚴重肝臟疾病患者發生肝性腦病時表現出來的一個特有的陽性體徵主要出現在肝性腦病患者的昏迷前期和昏睡期是診斷肝性腦病發生最直接最有力的依據。 鑑別診斷. 應與抽搐鑑別: 抽搐是不隨意運動的表現,是神經-肌肉疾病的病理現象,表現為橫紋肌的不隨意收縮。 臨床上常見的有如下幾種:驚厥,強直性痙攣,肌陣攣,震顫,舞蹈樣動作,手足徐動,扭轉痙攣,肌束顫動,習慣性抽搐等。 治療. 因撲翼樣震顫常提示嚴重代謝功能惡化,應立即檢查患者神經系統狀態及生命體徵,與其之前表現進行對比,注意有無嚴重改變,監測神經系統狀態,生命體徵及尿量。 注意有無呼吸系統受損表現,準備行氣管內插管輔助呼吸,同時注意肝病、腎病或肺部疾病晚期併發症。 (一)病因治療. 1.肝病.

  5. 2021年12月13日 · This loss of muscle control is also accompanied by irregular and involuntary jerking movements. For that reason, asterixis is sometimes called a “flapping tremor.”

  6. 2023年5月29日 · Depending on which muscles you’re using, it can look like flapping or tremor-like movements. Asterixis is a form of negative myoclonus (pronounced “my-OCK-lon-us”). The term “negative” here doesn’t mean “bad.”. Positive myoclonus is a sudden, brief muscle twitch or spasm, so positive here means “more activity.”.

  7. 2022年12月13日 · Asterixis , also known as flapping tremor, is a movement disorder that makes it hard to hold the muscles of a limb in a fixed pose. It often affects the hands and arms, though it can also occur in other areas of the body. Asterixis causes quick, uneven jerking movements after a brief muscle tone loss.