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  1. noun [ C, usually singular ] uk us. Add to word list. a desk near the entrance to a hotel, office building, etc. where people go when they arrive and where they can get information, etc.: Visitors must register at the front desk. (front desk在劍橋商務英語詞典中的解釋 © Cambridge University Press) front desk的 例句.

  2. 2017年3月4日 · The only difference is a reception desk will have a receptionist and a front desk could have several types of different people with different job titles. The front desk at a tile store will have a salesman a front desk at a doctors office will have a secretary or maybe a

  3. 2016年1月20日 · 接待員(receptionist)的職務通常是負責電話接聽、櫃檯接待及其他一般行政工作。 「接待櫃檯」的英文又可稱作 reception deskreception area。 而旅館的「接待櫃檯」,英文則稱為 front deskreceptionreception desk。 相關字彙: secretary (n.) 祕書. operator (n.) (電話)接線生. office manager (phr.) 行政主管. 例句: There’s a client waiting for you in reception, Mr. Jones. 瓊斯先生,您有一位客戶在接待櫃檯等您。

  4. 英語釋義. 1. the desk in a building where visitors are greeted. We checked into the hotel at the front desk. 片語. the front desk 接待處. Front desk staff 前臺員工. Front t Desk Manager 前臺經理. front deskreception desk 總臺. service counter [經] 服務臺. service desk 服務臺. Front Desk Captain 前臺領班. Front Desk Officer 前臺接待. front reception desk 總臺. Front Office Desk 前臺實習生.

  5. The only difference is a reception desk will have a receptionist and a front desk could have several types of different people with different job titles. The front desk at a tile store will have a salesman a front desk at a doctors office will have a secretary or maybe a

  6. 2015年4月1日 · front dest的同義字I believe they are the same.|I would agree. Reception desk is a more descriptive term for what takes place there. Front desk merely describes the location at the front of an office or other business. A front desk, though, is always a reception desk.

  7. 2023年7月30日 · 用於已登出編輯者的頁面 了解更多

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