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  1. Yahoo奇摩字典
    • 1. 把控制權或所有權交給別人; 把(某物品)交出來給別人 The offender was handed over to the police. 那罪犯已經被送交警方。

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  2. hand something/someone over. phrasal verb with hand verb [ T ] uk / hænd / us / hænd /. B2. to give another person control of someone or something, or responsibility for dealing with him, her, or it. 移交(控制權、責任等). The hijacker was handed over to the French police. 劫機者被移交給法國警方。.

  3. the giving of control of or responsibility for something to someone else. (控制權或責任的)移交. The United Nations is to supervise the handover of the prisoners of war. 聯合國將監督戰俘的移交事宜。 也請參見. hand something over. (handover在劍橋英語-中文(繁體)詞典的翻譯 © Cambridge University Press) handover的 例句.

  4. to give another person control of someone or something, or responsibility for dealing with him, her, or it: be handed over to The hijacker was handed over to the French police. If you hold on a moment I'll hand you over to someone who might be able to help. 也請參見. handover. 「SMART 詞彙」:相關單字和片語.

  5. 片語動詞. 交付, 移交, 遞交. "hand over" 例句. He handed over a package to her. 他遞交一個包裹給她。. He is handing over a key. 他正交出一把鑰匙。. "hand over" 相關課程教材. To have the "upper hand" is to have an advantage over someone else.

  6. 2017年7月7日 · 教育. pull overhand over、look over⋯⋯這七個超over的常用片語是什麼意思? VoiceTube看影片學英語. 哈囉! 這裡是《VoiceTube 看影片學英語》( ) 我們在台灣的生長環境其實不允許我們好好開口說英文,沒有機會開口說,到了出國遇到外國人突然發現學校只是教人答題,根本沒有辦法提供我們實質的對談應答能力,VoiceTube 在致力於打造練習聽力跟口說環境,給想自信開口說英文的人。 我們立志營造一個美好的英文學習環境,在這裡,你所學習的不再是語言而是知識的力量! 透過視覺上的影片情節,重複聽取單句,更容易了解單字的發音及用法,還能學習到更道地的生活化語言哦!

  7. 1. 把控制權或所有權交給別人; 把 (某物品)交出來給別人 The offender was handed over to the police. 那罪犯已經被送交警方。 He has handed over his place to a young man. 他已經把他的職位交給一個年青人。 更多解釋. hand over. 美式. ph. 交出 I've...

  8. ( 及物 , 俗語) 讓與 控制權 或東西事物的 所有權 ; 交出 / 移交. I handed over the controls to the copilot. 我將控制權移交給副駕駛員。 2024 2月 10, Phil McNulty, 「Manchester City 6-0 Chelsea」, 出自 BBC Sport‎ [1]: Liverpool still have a game in hand but City have made up most of that lost ground and this was a resounding message that they will not be handing over the title. (請為本引文添加中文翻譯)

  9. HANDOVER中文 (繁体)翻译:剑桥词典. handover 在英语-中文(繁体)词典中的翻译. noun [ U ] uk / ˈhænd.əʊ.və r/ us / ˈhænd.oʊ.vɚ / Add to word list. the giving of control of or responsibility for something to someone else. (控制權或責任的)移交. The United Nations is to supervise the handover of the prisoners of war. 聯合國將監督戰俘的移交事宜。 也请参见. hand something over.

  10. 2017年7月7日 · pull overhand over、look over──這些常用的over片語是甚麼意思? VoiceTube看影片學英語. 哈囉! 這裡是《VoiceTube 看影片學英語》( ) 我們在台灣的生長環境其實不允許我們好好開口說英文,沒有機會開口說,到了出國遇到外國人突然發現學校只是教人答題,根本沒有辦法提供我們實質的對談應答能力,VoiceTube 在致力於打造練習聽力跟口說環境,給想自信開口說英文的人。 我們立志營造一個美好的英文學習環境,在這裡,你所學習的不再是語言而是知識的力量! 透過視覺上的影片情節,重複聽取單句,更容易了解單字的發音及用法,還能學習到更道地的生活化語言哦!

  11. to give something/somebody officially or formally to another person. He handed over a cheque for $200 000. They handed the weapons over to the police. They would simply hand her over to the magistrate as a thief. related noun handover. See hand over in the Oxford Advanced American Dictionary.

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