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    KK [ˋhænd͵kræft]

    n. 名詞

    • 1. 手工藝;技巧

    vt. 及物動詞

    • 1. 以手工做

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  2. HANDCRAFT翻譯:手藝,手工藝。了解更多。 A disadvantage is that because handcrafting data sets from individual cases is slow, demanding work, the analysis cannot cover all ...

  3. handcraft的意思、解釋及翻譯:1. a skilled activity in which something is made in a traditional way with the hands rather than…。 了解更多。 詞典

    • 想找哪種台北手作課程呢?9 大熱門台北手作體驗,超過 30 家手作教室選擇,神秘客幫你探店,排除地雷體驗。手作戒指。手作蛋糕。手作地毯。手作皮革。手作蠟燭花藝陶藝。
    • 台北手作課程懶人包。還是不知道要怎麼選嗎?七分之二的探索幫你精選 10 間台北手作工作室,來看看吧!店家種類價位位置評價Everyday is a Gift。
    • 手作戒指。手作戒指可說是台北手作課程的 No. 1,若是不知道該選哪一種 DIY 手作體驗,就無條件是它了!跟著老師的教學,透過敲打、鑄模等方式,製作出屬於你個人獨一無二的手作戒指;尤其是熱戀中的情侶,在親手打造情侶對戒的儀式中,更帶有認定彼此的守護感。
    • 手作蛋糕。手作蛋糕體驗主要分成兩種,一種是照著平板教學的烘焙 DIY 體驗,只要照著食譜一步一步做,就能如法炮製一顆有模有樣的蛋糕。若廚藝堪比黑暗料理界也別害怕,另一種是有老師的烘焙課程,全程有老師手把手教學,也能跟老師討論特殊品項或食材,在固定製作配方中加入一點新意。
  4. The Top Taiwan Handcraft Arts (TTHA) was founded in 2019 by three units, Taiwan Crafts Workshop, YII, and Taiwan Good Craft, jointly, under the guidance of the National Taiwan Craft Research and Development Institute, Ministry of Culture, to enhance the competitiveness of the craft industry through Taiwan’s “all the various craft works”.

  5. › wiki › HandicraftHandicraft - Wikipedia

    Batik craftswomen in Java, Indonesia Savisiipi handicrafts store in Pori, Finland A handicraft Selling-Factory shop, Isfahan, Iran A handicraft, sometimes more precisely expressed as artisanal handicraft or handmade, is any of a wide variety of types of work where useful and decorative objects are made completely by one's hand or by using only simple, non-automated related tools like scissors ...

  6. 過去式:handcrafted 過去分詞:handcrafted 現在分詞:handcrafting

  7. handcraft中文的意思、翻譯及用法:vt. 以手工做n. 手工藝,手藝。英漢詞典提供【handcraft】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等

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