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  1. Yahoo奇摩字典
    • 1. 【口】常去某處; 居住 Where does he hang out these days? 他這些日子裡都在什麼地方來著?
    • 2. 掛出; 伸出 They hung out the flags. 他們掛出了旗幟。

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  2. B1. to spend a lot of time in a place or with someone. 經常出入(某場所);(與某人)廝混. You still hang out at the pool hall? 你仍然經常出沒於桌球場嗎? I've been hanging out backstage with the band. 我常在後臺與樂隊混在一起。 减少例句. They spent the whole day hanging out by the pool. I don't know why he hangs out with James, they've got nothing in common.

  3. 2015年9月9日 · 1. Hang out:出去玩、消磨時間、到外面晃晃 「Hang out」是超級普遍的英文俚語,在用英語對話中常會出現「Where do you hang out?」還有「I don’t feel like hanging out tonight」的句子。

  4. 2019年4月11日 · 47635. 今日片語. 搭配 「go out」 和 「hang out」 都包含 「進行娛樂、社交活動」 的含義,但它們之間有微妙的區別,需要結合語境來理解。 首先,「go out」 的基本含義是 「離開家出去進行一項活動」,通常用來表示 「出門進行一項娛樂或社交活動」,也就是口語裡常說的 「出去玩」。 比如:I’m going out with some workmates tonight. 今晚我要和幾個同事出去玩。 不過,「go out」 也泛指 「離開家,出門」,比如:I’m going out to the shops. 我要去商店。 注意,搭配 「go out with someone」 的意思則是 「與人交往」。

  5. hang out 在英語中的意思. phrasal verb with hang verb uk / hæŋ / us / hæŋ / informal. Add to word list. B1. to spend a lot of time in a place or with someone: hang out at You still hang out at the pool hall? hang out with I've been hanging out backstage with the band. 减少例句. They spent the whole day hanging out by the pool.

  6. B1. to spend a lot of time in a place or with someone: hang out at You still hang out at the pool hall? hang out with I've been hanging out backstage with the band. Fewer examples. They spent the whole day hanging out by the pool. I don't know why he hangs out with James, they've got nothing in common.

  7. 6 天前 · 搭配 “hang out” 的意思是 “没有特定目的地一起待着”,其后可接 “someone” 或 “somewhere” 表示 “和某人一起玩 hang out with someone”、“去某处玩 hang out somewhere”。 例如: I’m hanging out with friends tonight. 今晚我要和朋友们一起玩。 We’re...

  8. 很平常的英文成語很多不同的意思認識hang out (v phr)與hang out with sb (idiom)的更多語意:. hang out (v phr) 1.逗留. Starbucks has become the place millions of people hang out, read, listen to music, take off their shoes and hop online. 星巴克已經變成數百萬民眾逗留、看書、聽音樂、脫鞋子和 ...

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