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  1. 內容. HEAR翻譯:聽到聲音, 聽見,聽到, 被告訴, 聽說,得知, 聽, 聽,傾聽;開審。. 了解更多。.

  2. I can hear someone knocking. 我聽到有人敲門。 2. 聽說,得知[W][+(that)][(+about/of)] I heard that he was ill. 我聽說他病了。 3. 注意聽,聽取 We'll be glad to hear your opinion of them. 我們將樂於聽取你對他們的看法。 4. 審理;聽(證人)陳述...

  3. 內容. HEAR的意思、解釋及翻譯:1. to receive or become conscious of a sound using your ears: 2. to be told information about…。. 了解更多。.

  4. HEAR翻译:听到声音, 听见,听到, 被告诉, 听说,得知, 听, 听,倾听;开审。. 了解更多。.

  5. 爱词霸权威在线词典,为您提供hear的中文意思,hear的用法讲解,hear的读音,hear的同义词,hear的反义词,hear的例句等英语服务。

  6. 英語釋義. listen and pay attention; "Listen to your father". "We must hear the expert before we make a decision". perceive (sound) via the auditory sense. get to know or become aware of, usually accidentally; "I learned that she has two grown-up children". "I see that you have been promoted".

  7. 中文:. 听见 - 闻 - 受理 - 听 - 听说 - 好听 - 装聋作哑. 在单词列表中: Top 2000 English words, Irregular verbs, Homonyms, 更多……. 同义词: listen, listen to, catch, make out, get, 更多……. 习惯性搭配: hear a [noise, sound, scream, cry], hear the [music, voice, song], (can't) hear the [speaker ...

  8. To give audience or attention to; to listen to; to heed; to accept the doctrines or advice of; to obey; to examine; to try in a judicial court; as, to hear a recitation; to hear a class; the case will be heard to-morrow. 3. To attend, or be present at, as hearer or ; as, to

  9. 2022年1月7日 · 動詞 「hear」 和 「listen」 都可以描述 「聽」 這個動作,但它們的用法卻不同,所以不能互換使用。. 哪個詞可以表達 「聽音樂」 的 「聽」?. 哪個詞的意思是 「聽到聲音」?. 聽主持人 Roy 的講解,學習 「hear」 和 「listen」 之間的區別。.

  10. HEAR, HEAR!翻譯:說得好,說得好!. 了解更多。.

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