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    ph. 片語

    • 1. 收入政策(指政府為影響貨幣收入水準或物價水準所採取的措施)

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      • incomes policy, collective governmental effort to control the incomes of labour and capital, usually by limiting increases in wages and prices. The term often refers to policies directed at the control of inflation, but it may also indicate efforts to alter the distribution of income among workers, industries, locations, or occupational groups.
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  3. Incomes policies in economics are economy-wide wage and price controls, most commonly instituted as a response to inflation, and usually seeking to establish wages and prices below free market level. [1]

  4. incomes policy, collective governmental effort to control the incomes of labour and capital, usually by limiting increases in wages and prices. The term often refers to policies directed at the control of inflation, but it may also indicate efforts to alter the distribution of income among workers,

  5. Abstract. The term “incomes policy” is commonly employed to cover specific measures aimed at restraining the rate at which money incomes increase, by curbing the exploitation of market power by business and labor, professional, or other groups. Incomes policy is thus an adjunct to fiscal and monetary policy.

  6. 2013年2月20日 · 收入政策(Income Policy) [ 編輯] 什麼是收入政策. 收入政策 又稱“ 工資與價格控制 ”,是後凱恩斯主流學派提出的政策主張之一,指政府為了影響 貨幣收入 或 物價水平 而採取的措施,其目的通常是為了降低物價的上漲速度。 它是國家為實現 巨集觀調控 總目標和總任務在分配方面制定的原則和方針,與 財政政策 、 貨幣政策 相比,收入政策具有更高一層次的調節功能,它制約著財政政策和貨幣政策的作用方向和作用力度,而且收入政策最終也要通過財政政策和貨幣政策來實現。 收入政策目標包括收入總量目標和收入結構目標。 收入總量目標著眼於近期的巨集觀經濟 總量平衡 ,根據 供求不平衡 的兩種狀況分別選擇分配政策和超分配政策。

  7. T he term "incomes policy" is commonly employed to cover specific measures aimed at restraining the rate at which money incomes increase, by curbing the exploitation of market power by business and labor, professional, or other groups. Incomes policy is thus an adjunct to fiscal and monetary policy. Its purpose is to moderate the rate at which ...

  8. Incomes policy in this sense is essen-tially an anti-inflationary device; it should not be taken to cover the whole range of policy with respect to incomes. Policies concerned with income distribution per se, such as measures to reduce the inequality of incomes, to

  9. Incomes policy is the suitable complement for expansionary monetary and fiscal policies, in particular under conditions that reduce the space for further macroeconomic expansion. Over the last 30 years, economic growth in developed countries has relied less on consumption booms on the basis of expanding wages than on increasing private ...