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  1. The inguinal ligament is considered as a landmark to distinguish clinically between the groin hernia in which the bulge is above the ligament, and femoral hernia the bulge is below the ligament. Inguinal distribution, groin injury, or sport's man groin [3] : weakness of the inguinal ligament attachments maybe exist.

  2. 2024年1月30日 · The inguinal ligament is involved in the condition known as the sportsman groin (inguinal disruption). Additionally, this ligament is an important surgical landmark and a groin hernia repair component. About 20 million people have an inguinal hernia repair yearly, making this type of surgery one of the most commonly performed worldwide.

  3. 2022年10月25日 · The inguinal ligament (also known as Poupart's ligament or the fallopian ligament ) is a fibrous band extending from the anterior superior iliac spine to the pubic tubercle. It is an important anatomical landmark and denotes the transition of the pelvis to the lower limb. Gross anatomy.

  4. 鼠蹊 (groin)或 鼠蹊部 ,又称 腹股沟区 [註 1] (inguinal region),是指 人体 正面 腹部 连接 大腿 交界处凹沟的附近区域,位于两侧 耻骨 外上方,斜向往上延伸,上外端为 髂前上棘 ,下内端为 耻骨结节 [1] ;在 人体解剖学 上属于腹部。 腹股沟部有深、浅的 淋巴结 群,为下肢、腹壁下部浅层及外生殖器等的淋巴管所汇集和经过的地方,因此上述各部分有炎症时,常波及这些淋巴结群;经由腹后壁到下肢的主要血管、股神经等都通过此处。 組成. 腹股沟区(黄色);耻区(藍色); 1 棘间平面,2 腹直肌,3 腹股沟管 (英语:Inguinal canal)

  5. 2017年10月25日 · The inguinal ligament is an important connective tissue structure in the inguinal, or groin, region of the human body. It supports soft tissues in the groin as well as the external abdominal oblique muscle. The inguinal ligament is a narrow band of dense regular fibrous connective tissue in the pelvic region of the body.

  6. The inguinal ligament , also known as the Poupart's ligament, is located in the anterior aspect of the pelvis on either side of the body. It extends from the anterior superior iliac spine to the pubic tubercle.

  7. 2023年7月24日 · The inguinal canal is a passage in the lower anterior abdominal wall located just above the inguinal ligament. It starts from the internal inguinal orifice, extends medially and inferiorly through the abdominal wall layers and ends in the external inguinal orifice.