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  2. 私人貸款額高達HK$400萬或月薪18倍,網上申請可享高達HK$6,800現金回贈。 經手機申請中銀「易達錢」私人貸款,享現金回贈高達HK$6,800,實際年利率低至1.85%


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    ph. 片語

    • 1. 分期付款 The Smiths paid for the house in monthly installment payments of five hundred dollars. 史密斯一家以每月五百圓的分期付款形式買下這幢房子。

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  2. 2018年2月23日 · 答案詳解. 要答對這一題,其實只要知道每一個選項的意思,又看到 24-month, interest-free,就可以知道答案是 (A) installment 囉。 接下來要補充一下 installment 這個字可以怎麼用。 1. 假如你現在在店裡買東西: You: Do you offer any installment plans for the robot vacuum cleaner? (你:這台掃地機器人你們有提供任何分期付款方案嗎? Clerk: Sure.

  3. 2023年12月27日 · December 27, 2023 5 Mins Read. Installment payment is a financial arrangement where a large sum of money is divided into smaller, manageable payments over a specified period. This concept is commonly used for various financial transactions, such as loans, credit card balances, and purchasing retail goods. In this article, we will ...

  4. instalment payment 在英語中的意思. noun [ C or U ] UK ( US installment payment) uk us. Add to word list. COMMERCE, FINANCE. one of a series of regular payments of a loan, debt, etc., or the system of making regular payments: There is no extra fee for this type of installment payment. (instalment payment在劍橋商務英語詞典中的解釋 © Cambridge University Press)

  5. 2019年10月3日 · 英文中,動詞「分期付款」的片語除了 pay in installments,還可以說 pay by installments。 而「分期付款」視作購買方法時,英文則是名詞 installment plan。 相關單字: down payment(phr.)分期付款的頭款. layaway(n.)分期累計付款(付清後取貨) payment(n.)支付的款項. 例句: We're paying for our new car in installments. 我們還在繳新車的分期付款。 You can pay for your laptop in monthly installments. 你可以採按月分期付款的方式繳付你的筆記型電腦。 內容提供 / EZ TALK編輯部.

  6. 2022年9月20日 · Photo: Bloomberg 照片:彭博社. Branded as “interest-free loans,” buy now, pay later services require you to download an app, link a bank account or debit or credit card, and sign up to pay in weekly or monthly installments. Scheduled payments are then automatically deducted from your account or charged to your card.

  7. INSTALMENT中文 (繁體)翻譯:劍橋詞典. instalment 在英語-中文(繁體)詞典中的翻譯. noun [ C ] mainly UK (US usually installment) uk / ɪnˈstɔːl.mənt / us / ɪnˈstɑːl.mənt / Add to word list. one of several parts into which a story, plan, or amount of money owed has been divided, so that each part happens or is paid at different times until the end or total is reached.

  8. 2014年12月29日 · 按照词根 词缀的记忆方法 和理解installment就不会难,install本身有暂停,推迟的动词意思,当然了 大部分时候是 当做“安装”来理解。eg. install one's decision ,某人犹豫不决,迟迟不能决定。 install someone 阻止某人做某事。

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