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  2. subjected to 的意思是 「遭受…的经历、待遇等」 ,一般是人为的因素,而且所指的事 相当负面 ( 柯林斯 :subject someone to something unpleasant),例如: ...the man who had subjected her to four years of beatings and abuse. …那个使她遭受了4年殴打和辱骂的男人。 The prisoners were subjected to torture.(囚犯受到严刑拷打。 The city was subjected to heavy bombing.(这座城市遭到猛烈轰炸。

  3. to make someone or something experience an unpleasant or worrying thing. 使承受,使遭受. The investigation found that they had been subjected to unfair treatment. 調查發現,他們曾受到過不公正待遇。 "I didn't want to subject him to such a long drive !" she said. 「我不想讓他開這麼長時間的車。 」她說。 (subject someone/something to something在劍橋英語-中文(繁體)詞典的翻譯 © Cambridge University Press) C2.

  4. subjected to 的意思是「遭受…的經歷、待遇等」,一般是人為的因素,而且所指的事相當負面,例如: The prisoners were subjected to torture.(囚犯受到嚴刑拷打。 The city was subjected to heavy bombing.(這座城市遭到猛烈轟炸。 At the airport I was subjected to a humiliating search.(在機場,我受到了侮辱性的搜查。 The investigation found that many workers had been subjected to unfair treatment. (調查發現很多工人曾受過不公平的待遇。 張貼者: 安格魯 於 下午6:00.

  5. phrase. C2. only able to happen if something else happens: We plan to go on Wednesday, subject to your approval. Moving all the books should not take long, subject to there being (= if there are) enough helpers. Subject to the direction of the wind, the sound of fans cheering in the stadium can be heard from here.

  6. 英語釋義. 1. affected by or possibly affected by (something) The firm is subject to state law. The schedule is tentative and subject to change. Clothing purchases over $200 are subject to tax. Anyone caught trespassing is subject to a $500 fine. 2. likely to do, have, or suffer from (something) My cousin is subject to panic attacks.

  7. subject someone/something to something. phrasal verb with subject verb [ T ] uk / səbˈdʒekt / us / səbˈdʒekt / Add to word list. C2. to make someone or something experience an unpleasant or worrying thing: The investigation found that they had been subjected to unfair treatment. "I didn't want to subject him to such a long drive !" she said.

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    be subjected to