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  1. Yahoo奇摩字典
    • 1. 【口】花錢大手大腳 This is no time to lash out on a new stereo. 現在不是奢侈花錢買新立體聲音響的時候。

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  2. lash out. phrasal verb with lash verb uk / læʃ / us / læʃ /. to suddenly attack someone or something physically or criticize him, her, or it in an angry way. (突然)狠打,痛打;抨擊,斥責. I was only teasing him and suddenly he lashed out ( at me) and hit me in the face. 我只是在和他鬧著玩,他卻突然動起手來 ...

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      lash out翻譯:menyerang 。了解更多。 詞典 翻譯 文法 同 ...

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      CRITICIZE翻譯:批評,批判;指責, 評論,評判(書、影片等 ...

  3. to spend a large amount of money in a way that is unnecessary or that wastes it: lash out (something) on something He lashed out £5,000 on his daughter's wedding. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases. Paying money. 2FA. 2SV. ante up (something) burn a hole in someone's pocket idiom. buying power. cost-cutting. non-contributory. overpaid.

  4. lash out. phrasal verb with lash verb uk / læʃ / us / læʃ / to suddenly attack someone or something physically or criticize him, her, or it in an angry way: last out (at) I was only teasing him and suddenly he lashed out (at me) and hit me in the face. Why's Tina in such a bad mood? She really lashed out at me when I was late for work.

  5. 釋義. 相關詞. ph. 片語. 1. 突然猛擊; 猛烈抨擊 The horse lashed out with its back legs. 那匹馬尥蹶子了。 2. 【口】花錢大手大腳 Let's lash out and have champagne. 咱們揮霍一下, 喝香檳吧。 更多解釋. lash out. 美式. ph. 猛擊 He lashed...

  6. Definition of lash out on phrasal verb in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more.

  7. lash out. Joyce was stroking the cat when it suddenly lashed out. 乔伊斯正在抚摸那只猫,它突然向她发起攻击。. Ian has a tendency to lash out if he thinks that he is being personally criticized. 如果伊恩觉得自己受到人身攻击,他就容易恶语相向。. For our last holiday, we lashed out and booked a posh ...

  8. lash lash out 急速甩動. lash out against 猛烈抨擊. lash out at 猛烈抨擊. drive 驅車旅行,駕車路程;傳動裝置;驅動器;(人的)強烈欲望;魄力,內驅力;(有組織的)活動;快車道;猛抽;(對牲口的)驅趕;猛擊,大規模攻擊;玩紙牌的聚會. heave out and lash up 捆起吊鋪. 相似詞. bang ad 直接地;砰然地;突然巨響地. bash (Bash) (美)巴什(人名) bat 蝙蝠;球棒;球拍;批處理文件的擴展名. beat 打;打敗;拍打;有節奏地舒張與收縮. belt 帶;腰帶;地帶. biff (用拳的)重擊;洋相.