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  1. ligament. noun [ C ] uk / ˈlɪɡ.ə.mənt / us / ˈlɪɡ.ə.mənt /. Add to word list. Add to word list. any of the strong fibres (= strips of tissue) in the body that connect bones together, limiting movements in joints (= places where two bones are connected) and supporting muscles and other tissue. 韌帶.

  2. 韧带(ligament、拉丁语 ligamenta,单数 ligamentum)是可弯曲,纤维样的弹性结缔组织。[1]

  3. 2022年6月22日 · 認識膝蓋韌帶作用教你3招預防韌帶拉傷. 打籃球時許多精彩運球和假動作過人都仰賴基本功的鍛鍊而為了順利達成華麗的腳步切換膝蓋與小腿之間的平衡與方位轉換皆有賴將骨頭連結在一起的韌帶Ligament)。. 然而,若在運動過程中不小心發生碰撞 ...

  4. 韌帶(ligament、拉丁語 ligamenta,單數 ligamentum)是可彎曲,纖維樣的彈性結締組織。[1]

  5. 2023年11月3日 · Most ligament injuries occur due to excessive or sudden movements, and the most common ligament that is affected is the anterior cruciate ligament. Since this ligament provides around 90% of the restraining force to the anterior displacement of the tibia at 30 and 90 degrees of flexion, sudden inward flexion will put extreme pressure ...

  6. › wiki › LigamentLigament - Wikipedia

    A ligament is the fibrous connective tissue that connects bones to other bones. It is also known as articular ligament, articular larua, [1] fibrous ligament, or true ligament. Other ligaments in the body include the: Peritoneal ligament: a fold of peritoneum or other membranes.

  7. Ligaments are short bands of tough, flexible tissue, made up of lots of individual fibres, which connect the bone s of the body together, being a dense type of connective tissue. Ligaments can be found connecting most of the bones in the body. The function of a ligament is to provide a passive limit to amount of movement between your bones.

  8. 2020年5月11日 · 因此在激烈的運動賽事中前十字韌帶(Anterior Cruciate ligament)的扭傷甚至斷裂是每個運動員的夢靨,但您有想過後十字韌帶(Posterior cruciate ligament)斷裂為什麼比較少聽到嗎?本文將帶您了解十字韌帶受傷的原因與治療。

  9. Ligament, tough fibrous band of connective tissue that serves to support the internal organs and hold bones together in proper articulation at the joints. A ligament is composed of dense bundles of collagenous fibers and spindle-shaped cells known as fibrocytes, with little ground substance.

  10. Ligaments. Ligaments are tough fibrous cords composed of connective tissue that contains both collagen and elastic fibers. The elastic fibers allow the ligaments to stretch to some extent. Ligaments surround joints and bind them together. They help strengthen and stabilize joints, permitting movement only in certain directions.

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