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  1. phrase. Add to word list. B2. to take full advantage of something because it may not last long. 充分利用,盡量利用. It's a beautiful day - we should make the most of it. 今天天氣很好——我們一定要盡情享受一下。 It so rarely snows, you have to make the most of it when it does. I wanted to make the most of the time that we had together.

  2. to take full advantage of something because it may not last long: It's a beautiful day - we should make the most of it. It so rarely snows, you have to make the most of it when it does. I wanted to make the most of the time that we had together. I'd make the most of this weather, if I were you.

  3. 翻譯

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  4. Dictionary English-Chinese Under construction. make the most of — 抓紧. the most adv — 最 adv. ·. 最为 adv. most of — 大部. See alternative translations. © Linguee Dictionary, 2024. External sources (not reviewed)

  5. 来自德国的DeepL完胜谷歌翻译。. 根据WIRED的快速测试结果,DeepL的翻译表现确实丝毫不逊色于那些高阶竞争者,在很多情况下甚至超过了他们,翻译出来的文本阅读起来往往要流畅得多;在谷歌翻译出现完全没有意义的单词链的地方,DeepL至少可以猜出其中的联系 ...

  6. /meɪk ðə moʊst ʌv/ 片語. 盡量利用, 充分利用. "make the most of" 例句. They made the most of the bad weather. 他們充分利用了惡劣的天氣。 We decided to go for a walk to make the most of the sunny weather. 我們決定要去散步,好好利用這晴朗的天氣。 I made the most of my time in Rome by visiting every tourist attraction that I could. 我在羅馬充分利用我的時間,盡可能參觀每個旅遊景點。

  7. 免費的在線翻譯器,擁有強大的詞典定義,發音,同義詞和例句並支持19種在網絡上最常用的語言。 英語解釋 選擇以語料庫為依託的劍橋詞典,滿足各級別英語學習者需求。這些詞典是備考劍橋英語和雅思的理想材料。