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    • 1. 遠洋班輪

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  2. › wiki › Ocean_linerOcean liner - Wikipedia

    Ocean liner. As of 2024, RMS Queen Mary 2 is the only ocean liner still in service. An ocean liner is a type of passenger ship primarily used for transportation across seas or oceans. Ocean liners may also carry cargo or mail, and may sometimes be used for other purposes (such as for pleasure cruises or as hospital ships ). [1]

  3. 远洋定期船 (英語: ocean liner ),也叫做“ 远洋客轮 ”和“ 远洋邮轮 ”,是主要用于横渡海洋交通的载客船只。 一些定期船也同时运载货物及邮件,并有时可以派做他用(例如娱乐用 游船 或战时医疗船等)。 [1] “远洋定期船”不包括 渡轮 及其他用作短途海运的船只,也不包括 游轮 (英語: cruise ship ):区别在于乘坐游轮的乘客的主要旅行目的就是航程本身,而定期船的主要目的(之一)是到达目的地。 这一类船只也不包括不定期货船(英語: tramp steamer )(即使后者能够承载有限乘客)。 有定期航线的货运船只有时也叫做“定期船”。 有些轮船公司自称为“某某航线”(英語: line ),并称其营运的 货柜船 (其中有些依照定期航线航行)为“定期船”。

  4. This is a list of ocean liners past and present, which are passenger ships engaged in the transportation of passengers and goods in transoceanic voyages. Ships primarily designed for pleasure cruises are listed at List of cruise ships.

    Ship Name
    Year Launched
    Caught fire, and sank on December 18, ...
    Scrapped in 1858 after being deployed as ...
    Scrapped in 1955
  5. 遠洋定期船 (英語: ocean liner ),也叫做「 遠洋客輪 」和「 遠洋郵輪 」,是主要用於橫渡海洋交通的載客船隻。 一些定期船也同時運載貨物及郵件,並有時可以派做他用(例如娛樂用 遊船 或戰時醫療船等)。 [1] 「遠洋定期船」不包括 渡輪 及其他用作短途海運的船隻,也不包括 遊輪 (英語: cruise ship ):區別在於乘坐遊輪的乘客的主要旅行目的就是航程本身,而定期船的主要目的(之一)是到達目的地。 這一類船隻也不包括不定期貨船(英語: tramp steamer )(即使後者能夠承載有限乘客)。 有定期航線的貨運船只有時也叫做「定期船」。 有些輪船公司自稱為「某某航線」(英語: line ),並稱其營運的 貨櫃船 (其中有些依照定期航線航行)為「定期船」。

  6. Ocean liner, one of the two principal types of merchant ship as classified by operating method; the other is the tramp steamer. A liner operates on a regular schedule of designated ports, carrying whatever cargo and passengers are available on the date of sailing.

    • The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica
  7. 其他人也問了

  8. © 2024 Google LLC. The ocean liner was a revolutionary vessel when first introduced in 1845 - from then, in a short 50 years or so, technology leapt forward and traditional sai...

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    • Oceanliner Designs
  9. 2024年2月9日 · Ocean liners are large passenger ships primarily designed for long voyages, connecting distant destinations and often used for transoceanic travel. Characteristics: Size and Capacity: Ocean liners are generally built larger and sturdier to withstand long journeys across rough ocean waters.