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  1. Yahoo奇摩字典
    KK [pɚˋswed]

    vt. 及物動詞

    • 1. 說服,勸服[(+into/out of)][O2] She persuaded me into buying it. 她說服我買下了它。
    • 2. 使某人相信[(+of)][+that] How can I persuade you of my sincerity? 我怎樣才能使你相信我的誠意呢?

    vi. 不及物動詞

    • 1. 被說服 He persuades easily. 他很容易被說服。

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  2. PERSUADE中文 (繁體)翻譯:劍橋詞典. persuade 在英語-中文(繁體)詞典中的翻譯. verb [ T ] uk / pəˈsweɪd / us / pɚˈsweɪd / Add to word list. B1. to make someone do or believe something by giving them a good reason to do it or by talking to that person and making them believe it. 勸服;說服. If she doesn't want to go, nothing you can say will persuade her. 如果她不想去,你是說甚麼也勸不動她的。

    • 繁體

      MATTER翻譯:情況, 事情,事件, 問題, 物質, 物質, (某一 ...

    • 查看更多內容

      persuade翻譯:劝服;说服。了解更多。 Moreover, though ...

    • Convince 什麼時候用?
    • Persuade 什麼時候用?
    • 但有看過混用的情況耶,怎麼會這樣?

    Convince 表示用邏輯、數據、證據...等「使某人在心理上相信、信服某事」,片語用法是:convince someone of something,例如: The expensive beef was better quality, but it was hard to convince my father of that fact.(這塊很貴的牛肉品質比較好,但很難說服我爸那個事實。) 或是: It was not easy to convince the jury of David’s innocence.(要說服陪審團 David 的清白是不簡單的。) ※ 需要注意的是,convince 只有讓某人在「心理上」認為某件事情是真的、認同某件事,但並沒有表示這個人會被說服到付諸什麼行...

    與 convince 不同的是,persuade 著重於說服某人去「做某件事」,片語用法是: persuade someone into doing something persuade someone to do something 例如: After a few attempts, my mom finally persuaded my brother into going to a college nearby.(在幾次嘗試之後,我媽終於說服我哥去唸附近的大學。) = After a few attempts, my mom finally persuaded my brother to go to a college nearby. 相反地,如果要表示「說服某人不要做某事」的話,就把...

    沒有錯,其實我們很常會看到兩者用法被搞混,像是 convince 加上動作,變成:convince someone to do something,或是 persuade 加上一個想法,變成:persuade someone of something,但這是因為兩者差別相當細微,連母語人士都很常漏掉,所以有這種積非成是的情況。 今天跟我們一起理解這兩個字的差別之後,下次就不會在用字時一頭霧水啦~【老師救救我】我們下次見囉!

  3. persuade. /pərˈsweɪd/. 動詞. 說服. "persuade" 例句. I'm trying to persuade my mom to get me a puppy for my birthday. 我正在試圖說服我媽媽在我的生日時給我一隻小狗。. I persuaded my parents to let me attend the rock concert. 我說服我的父母讓我去聽搖滾演唱會。.

  4. 釋義. 同反義. 相關詞. vt. 及物動詞. 1. 說服,勸服 [(+into/out of)] [O2] She persuaded me into buying it. 她說服我買下了它。 The salesman persuaded us to buy his product. 那個推銷員說服了我們買他的產品。 2. 使某人相信 [(+of)] [+that] How can...

  5. persuade 的意思 —— 學習詞典. verb [ T ] uk / pəˈsweɪd / us. B1. to make someone agree to do something by talking to them a lot about it: [ + to do sth ] We managed to persuade him to come with us. [ + (that) ] I persuaded her that it was the right thing to do. 反義詞. dissuade. 更多範例. Companies employ clever tactics to persuade us to buy their products.

  6. persuade. (pəʳsweɪd ) 词形 3rd person singular present tense persuades , present participle persuading , past tense, past participle persuaded. 1. 动词. If you persuade someone to do something, you cause them to do it by giving them good reasons for doing it. My partner persuaded me to come. [VERB noun to-infinitive]