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    • 1. 大量的 There was always plenty of boiled water in the bottle. 瓶裡經常有許多開水。

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  2. 2021年6月2日 · 1.plenty 豐富,充足. 2.Plenty of 很多. 3.Plenty of 常見錯誤用法. 1.plenty 豐富,充足. plenty 單獨使用時,常常當作代名詞使用,此時意思為「足夠,豐富,充足」的意思。 例: A:How much money do you think you need to bring with you? B:About two hundred pounds should be plenty. A:你覺得你需要帶多少錢? B: 大約兩百磅應該足夠了。 例: (A 幫 B 倒水) A:Is that enough? B:That’s plenty. Thanks. A:夠了嗎? B:夠了。 謝謝。 2.Plenty of 很多.

  3. B1. (the state of having) enough or more than enough, or a large amount. 豐富,充足,大量. "Would you like some more wine ?" "No thanks, I've had plenty." 「還想要點酒嗎? 」「不,謝謝,已經足夠了。 Don't grab at the balloons, children - there are plenty for everyone. 孩子們,別搶氣球——還有很多,每人都有。 We've got plenty of time before we need to leave for the airport. 去機場前我們有的是時間。

  4. 2022年9月28日 · Jiaying. 總結一下:「a lot of、lots of」 和 「plenty of」 都可以修飾可數和不可數名詞,「A lot of、lots of」 的意思是 「大量的,很多的」,而 「plenty of」 強調 「足夠多的」,光憑單字 「amount、number」 或 「quantity」 不能看出事物數量的多少,而是需要 ...

  5. 英英. Dr.eye 譯典通片語. plenty of. ph. 大量的. 釋義. 同反義. 相關詞. ph. 片語. 1. 大量的 There was always plenty of boiled water in the bottle. 瓶裡經常有許多開水。 I have plenty of humorous tales. 我有很多幽默的故事。 更多解釋. plenty...

  6. Plenty 用作代名詞時意為「大量,眾多」 (通常指過多)。 例如: A: How long will it take? (A:要花多久的時間? B: One hour should be plenty. (B:一小時應該足夠了) A: Would you like some more coffee? (A:還想要些咖啡嗎? B: No thanks, I’ve had plenty. (B:不,謝謝,已經夠了」 Don’t hurry – We’ve got plenty of time. (別急,我們有足夠的時間) Tom has always had plenty of money. (湯姆總是有很多錢)

  7. 其他人也問了

  8. B1. (the state of having) enough or more than enough, or a large amount. 丰富,充足,大量. "Would you like some more wine ?" "No thanks, I've had plenty." “还想要点酒吗? ”“不,谢谢,已经足够了。 Don't grab at the balloons, children - there are plenty for everyone. 孩子们,别抢气球——多着呢,每人都有。 We've got plenty of time before we need to leave for the airport. 去机场前我们有的是时间。

  9. Plenty: typical errors. Take care to spell plenty correctly: not ‘planty’. We use plenty of before nouns: There’s no rush. We’ve got plenty of time. Not: We’ve got plenty time. See also: Lots, a lot, plenty. Many.

  1. 其他人也搜尋了