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  1. 英漢例句. i pray for you people every day, father terry said. 我每天都為你們這種人祈禱。 特里神甫說。 he said, 「i「ll pray for him but if he can punch it」ll help.」 in a small respect, that「s machiavelli. 神父說,我將為他祈禱,但是如果他能出拳猛擊,那將會很有幫助,小面上說,這就是馬基雅維利。 would you pray for the hurting and abused children in the world? 「你愿意為世界上受傷和受到虐待的兒童祈禱嗎」?

  2. PRAY的意思、 解釋及翻譯:1. to speak to a god in order to show your feelings or to ask for something: 2. to hope very much…。了解更多。

  3. 同義詞詞典:英語中 pray for 的同義詞和反義詞. pray for. verb. 這些都是與 pray for 相關的單字和片語。 任意點選單字和片語去往同義詞詞典頁面。 或者, INVOKE. Synonyms. invoke. entreat. call upon. petition. implore. appeal for. supplicate. beg. beseech. importune.

  4. pray for [sb/sth] vi + prep (ask god to help) SC Simplified Chinese 为…祈祷 TC Traditional Chinese 為…祈禱 At church on Sunday, I prayed for my sick neighbor. 星期天在教堂里,我为自己生病的邻居祈祷。 pray, pray that vtr figurative (with clause: wish) (后接)

  5. n. (Pray)人名; (匈)普勞伊; (英)普雷. vi. 祈禱;請;懇求. 英語釋義. call upon in supplication; entreat; "I beg you to stop!" address God; say a prayer. 片語. walk pray 行走禱告. Pray Love 愛的祈禱. So Pray 祈禱吧. Debbie Pray 標簽. pray for 懇求,請求. Pray song 祈禱歌曲. pray fervently 熱情地祈禱. Tom Pray 羅徹斯特理工大學. 相似詞. plead 懇求;辯護. petition 請愿;請求. beg 乞討;請求. implore 懇求或乞求.

  6. 1. 祈禱,祈求 [+to-v] [+(that)] They prayed that they would defeat their enemies soon. 他們祈禱很快打敗敵人。 The old farmer prays God's forgiveness. 那老農夫祈求神寬恕。 2. 【書】懇求,請求 [O2] I pray you to show mercy to the...

  7. 動詞. 禱告, 祈禱. "pray" 例句. He's praying that his team will win. 他正在祈禱他的隊伍會獲勝。 I'm praying that I'll pass the exam. 我正在祈禱我會通過這個考試。 It's normal to pray when someone you love is sick. 在你愛的人生病時禱告是很正常的。 He prays every night to his god. 他每晚都會跟他的上帝禱告。 "pray" 相關課程教材. And they often go to that temple to pray for good harvests. 他們經常去那個寺廟祈禱豐收。 瀏覽教材.

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