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  1. Yahoo奇摩字典
    KK [səˋlut]

    vt. 及物動詞

    • 1. 向……行禮,向……致敬;(以正式禮儀)祝賀 We salute the flag everyday at school. 我們在學校每天向國旗行禮。
    • 2. 向……致意;迎接 Hostile shouts saluted their ears. 懷有敵意的喊叫聲傳入他們耳中。

    vi. 不及物動詞

    • 1. 行禮,致敬 The soldiers saluted with the hand. 士兵們行舉手禮。
    • 2. 致意,打招呼 She waved in salute. 她揮手致意。

    n. 名詞

    • 1. 敬禮[C];敬禮姿勢[the S] The officers exchanged salutes. 軍官們互致敬禮。
    • 2. 致敬;致意[C][U]

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  2. to honour or express admiration publicly for a person or an achievement. 公開讚揚,讚頌. On this memorable occasion we salute the wonderful work done by the association. 在這個難忘的時刻,我們對協會出色的成就表示讚揚。 We salute you for your courage and determination. 我們向你的勇氣和決心致敬。 salute. noun [ C ] uk / səˈluːt / us / səˈluːt / salute noun [C] (SHOW OF RESPECT)

  3. 查詢salute的意思、用法和例句,包括美式和英式的敬禮、行禮、致意、迎接等語法。了解salute的釋義、反義、相關詞和音韵,以及敬禮姿勢、敬禮姿勢的用法和意思。

  4. an act of honor or courteous recognition; "a musical salute to the composer on his birthday" 片語. say hello 打招呼;問好. military salute 軍禮. greet (Greet)人名; (英)格里特. be welcome to 歡迎;可以自由做某事. salute heartily 熱烈歡迎. welcome 歡迎. salute cordially 衷心歡迎. Huanying 歡迎(中文拼音);金色幻影(復印紙品牌) After salute 禮畢. Rorai salute 正在翻譯. Bi salute 敬禮畢. salute with 以向表示敬意〔歡迎.

  5. to honour or express admiration publicly for a person or an achievement: On this memorable occasion we salute the wonderful work done by the association. We salute you for your courage and determination. 「SMART 詞彙」:相關單字和片語. salute. noun [ C ] uk / səˈluːt / us / səˈluːt / salute noun [C] (SHOW OF RESPECT)

  6. salute 的意思 —— 學習詞典. noun [ C ] uk / səˈluːt / us. Add to word list. a sign of respect to someone of a higher rank in a military organization, often made by raising the right hand to the side of the head: to give a salute. salute. verb [ I, T ] uk / səˈluːt / us. to give a salute to someone of a higher rank in a military organization.

  7. Military bands play, public officials take part in the events and soldiers fire guns into the air in a salute to remember those who died in service to their country. 藉由軍人樂團表演、官員參與典禮、軍人在典禮上對空鳴槍來紀念那些為國家服役時喪命的人。

  8. n. 招呼, 敬禮, 禮砲. 來源(2): 英漢字典 [21c] sa. lute . [sә` lut; sәˋlu: t ] 《源自拉丁文“祝 (對方) 健康”的意思》《及物動詞》 1‘軍’. a .向 <長官、軍旗等> 敬禮. salute the colors . 向軍旗敬禮. The soldier saluted the officer . 士兵向軍官敬禮. b .向…致敬[ with, by ] It is the custom in Britain to salute the Queen ' s birthday with [ by firing] 21 guns . 以鳴砲二十一響祝賀女王生日是英國的習俗. ⑵. (文語)

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