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  1. 2021年11月20日 · 表示「似乎」的句型重點在 seem的用法 ,有seem + adj、seem to V、seem to + have pp、It seems that + S V,與全部都可以代換成appear。這是在生活中很常見的用法,只要從清楚的架構下手就能輕鬆學會這個句型喔!

  2. 2019年9月3日 · 單用 seem 的時候,其用法表達為「似乎、看起來」。 例:He seems happy. 他似乎是快樂的。 例:She’s 18, but she often seems (to be) younger. 她18歲了,但看起來往往要小一點。 例:The plan seemed quite simple. 這計畫似乎看起來相當簡單。 這裡說明一下:He is happy. 跟 He seems happy. 的差異。 前者表達的是,他是快樂的;而後者只是表達,他似乎是快樂的,至於是不是真的,則不得而知。 Seem 用法2.seem to、seem to be. Seem 的另外一個用法,就是後面不接形容詞,而是接to,其後再接原形動詞。

  3. 1. Seem + 形容詞. She seems furious. 她看起來很生氣。 That handbag seems pretty expensive. 那個手提包看起來很貴。 Their future seems promising. 他們的未來看似充滿希望。 2. Seem to + 動詞. He doesn’t seem to care about his grades. 他似乎不在意自己的成績。 No one seemed to notice her odd behaviors. 似乎沒有人注意到她異常的行為。 My parents seem to like this holiday plan. 我爸媽似乎滿喜歡這個度假計畫。 3. Seem to have + p.p.

  4. Seem 意為「似乎,好像,看起來」,僅能當連綴動詞用,其後接形容詞 (或名詞 - 接名詞的情況比較少見) 來做主詞補語,本身通常不用進行式。 例如: Tom seemed slightly embarrassed to see me in the nightclub. (湯姆在夜店看到我好像有點尷尬) - 接形容詞。 Mary seems very happy with her new boyfriend. (瑪麗對她的新男友似乎很滿意) - 接形容詞。 Mary is seeming very happy with her new boyfriend. (誤) - 不可使用進行式。

  5. seem 在英語-中文(繁體)詞典中的翻譯. verb [ I + adv/prep, L ] uk / siːm / us / siːm / Add to word list. B1. to give the effect of being; to be judged to be. 似乎;仿佛. He's 16, but he often seems (to be) younger. 他16歲了,但往往看起來小一點。 The children seemed ( as if/as though/like they were) tired. 孩子們好像累了。 I suspect his claims are not all they seem - he tends to exaggerate.

  6. seem to 在英語中的意思. collocation. Add to word list. to give the effect of being; to appear to be a certain way or do a certain thing: I seem to have acquired (= have got although I don't know how) two copies of this book. The entire room seemed to be vibrating with excitement. I'm not sure, but the doves seem to be building a nest.

  7. 2016年3月29日 · seem (動詞), 簡單的說分成四種用法: 1. 人+ seem + adj. –>ex. She seemed angry. (她似乎是生氣的。 2. seem + like + 名詞. –>ex. The bread seems like a stone. (那個麵包看似一塊石頭。 3. seem + to 原V ; seem not to + 原 V. –>ex1. He seems to be happy. (他似乎很快樂。 –>ex2. He seems not to be happy. (他似乎不快樂。 4. It seems that + 子句. –>ex1. It seems that he is happy. (看樣子似乎他很快樂。 –>ex2.

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