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    • 1. 放出, 發出; 派出 He sent out a number of letters to his friends. 他給他的朋友們發出許多信。

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  2. 2015年6月2日 · 2015年6月2日. 英語 (美國) To send is the starting verb. Eg: I will send you a letter. :I will send him a card. To send out is saying you will send one thing to many people. Eg: I will send out Christmas cards. (This Sentence is showing there are multiple cards to be sent to multiple people) To send over is similar to send.

  3. send something out 在英語中的意思. phrasal verb with send verb [ T ] uk / send / us / send / sent | sent. (PRODUCE) Add to word list. C2. to produce something in a way that causes it to spread out from a central point: The equipment sent out a regular high-pitched signal. The torch sends out a powerful beam of light.

  4. › zht › 詞典Cambridge Dictionary

    Cambridge Dictionary

  5. 英 [send aut] 美 [sɛnd aʊt] 發送;派遣;放出. 英語釋義. to cause or order to be taken, directed, or transmitted to another place; "He had sent the dispatches downtown to the proper people and had slept" 片語. Send-out pump 輸出泵. Please send them out 請送他們出去. Send-out method 放線方式. send them out 差遣他們出來. send d out 放出.

  6. send out. /sɛnd aʊt/. 片語動詞. "send out" 例句. I'm going to send out the wedding invitations tomorrow. 我要去寄明天的婚禮邀請函。. The package I sent out a few months ago is missing. "send out" 相關課程教材. We will send out an ambulance immediately.

  7. 手电筒发出一束强光。 The bushes were sending out new shoots. 灌木在长新芽。 (POST/EMAIL) to send something to a lot of different people, usually by post or email. (通常通过邮局)发出,寄出. We sent out the wedding invitations about three weeks ago. 大约3个星期以前我们就寄出了婚礼请帖。 (send something out在剑桥英语-中文(简体)词典的翻译 © Cambridge University Press) C2. send something out 的翻译. 中文(繁体)

  8. send out - Yahoo奇摩字典 搜尋結果. 依語言. 英漢. 英英. Dr.eye 譯典通片語. send out. ph. 放出, 發出; 派出. 釋義. 同反義. 相關詞. ph. 片語. 1. 放出, 發出; 派出 He sent out a number of letters to his friends. 他給他的朋友們發出許多信。 I...

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    send out