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  1. SHY翻譯:緊張, 害羞的,羞怯的, 不足, 不足的,缺乏的, 馬, (馬)受驚,驚退, 扔, (常指向一側)投擲,扔, 討厭…的;避開…的。了解更多。

  2. SHY翻译:紧张, 害羞的,羞怯的, 不足, 不足的,缺乏的, 马, (马)受惊,惊退, 扔, (常指向一侧)投掷,扔, 讨厌…的;避开…的。了解更多。

  3. SHY的意思、解釋及翻譯:1. nervous and uncomfortable with other people: 2. less than: 3. (of a horse) to suddenly move…。. 了解更多。.

  4. 2021年7月20日 · 必应词典为您提供shy的释义,美[ʃaɪ],英[ʃaɪ],n. 〈口〉尝试;机会;企图;目标; adj. 不足;羞怯的;腼腆的;怕生的; v. 被吓退;被惊走; 网络释义: 害羞的;怕羞的;羞涩的;

  5. 爱词霸权威在线词典,为您提供shy的中文意思,shy的用法讲解,shy的读音,shy的同义词,shy的反义词,shy的例句等英语服务。

  6. Q: shy 和 humble 和有什么不一样?. A: shy -Nervous or timid in the company of other people. example. I've gone from being shy and timid, to being quietly confident and assured.’. ‘There were more days on which shy children complained of unwellness and parents observed symptoms of unwellness than for non shy children.’.

  7. 在单词列表中: Top 2000 English words, Opposite adjectives, One-syllable adjectives, 更多……. 同义词: bashful, sheepish, withdrawn, retiring, demure, 更多……. 习惯性搭配: shy away from the [cute boy, challenge, unknown], a shy person, shied away from the [deal, responsibility, duty], 更多……. 标题中含有 ...

  8. 形容詞. 1. 怕羞的,羞怯的,靦腆的 [(+of)] Small children are often shy of anyone they do not know. 小孩子在陌生人面前常常是怯生生的。. 2. 易受驚的,膽小的 [(+of)] A deer is a shy animal. 鹿是一種易受驚的動物。. 3. 遲疑的,提防的;躲避的 [F] Don't be...

  9. 在PONS在线词典中查找shy的英语中文对照翻译。包括免费词汇训练器、动词表和发音功能。

  10. "-shy" 中文翻譯: comb. f. 怕…的,討厭…的: gun-shy, work-shy. "be shy of" 中文翻譯: 難為情; 畏縮, 遲疑 "or shy" 中文翻譯: 或者害羞 "shy of" 中文翻譯: 對...有戒心,對...遲疑,畏縮; 害怕; 還不到…,還差… "shy with" 中文翻譯: 不喜歡…的

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