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    KK [smok]

    n. 名詞

    • 1. 煙[U] She cannot stand the smell of tobacco smoke. 她受不了香菸的氣味。
    • 2. 煙狀物;煙霧;水汽[U]

    vi. 不及物動詞

    • 1. 冒煙,噴煙 A chimney could be seen smoking in the distance. 看得見遠處的煙囪在冒煙。
    • 2. 冒霧氣,冒水汽

    vt. 及物動詞

    • 1. 抽(菸,菸斗) My grandfather used to smoke a pipe. 我祖父過去吸菸斗。
    • 2. 燻製;燻趕;燻染 The boys decided to smoke out the snakes from the hole. 男孩們決定用煙把蛇燻出洞。

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  2. SMOKED翻譯:(玻璃或玻璃窗)煙灰色的,深灰色的, (食物)煙熏的。. 了解更多。.

  3. 及物動詞. 1. 抽(菸,菸斗) My grandfather used to smoke a pipe. 我祖父過去吸菸斗。. 2. 燻製;燻趕;燻染 The boys decided to smoke out the snakes from the hole. 男孩們決定用煙把蛇燻出洞。. She has learned to smoke fish and ham....

  4. smoke. /smoʊk/. 動詞. 吸菸, 抽菸, 冒煙. "smoke" 例句. The oven is smoking quite a lot. 這個烤箱冒了滿多煙。. "smoke" 相關課程教材. You smoke. (= In general, you smoke.)

  5. n. 煙, 霧氣, 煙燻劑, 抽煙, 煙色. vi. 吸煙, 冒煙, 彌漫. vt. 以煙燻, 抽煙而導致... 【醫】 煙, 煙塵. 相關詞組: like smoke smoke oneself ill go up in smoke 來源(2): 英漢字典 [21c]

  6. smoke puffed up from the forest fire. 煙霧從森林大火上噴起。you must not smoke in the classroom. 你不應當在教室里抽煙。smoke surged from the burning building. 濃煙從燃燒的大樓里滾滾涌出。pop some smoke and let me see your location. 放煙幕彈,讓我

  7. 爱词霸权威在线词典,为您提供smoke的中文意思,smoke的用法讲解,smoke的读音,smoke的同义词,smoke的反义词,smoke的例句等英语服务。

  8. smoke的發音。怎麼說smoke 。聽英語音頻發音。了解更多。 詞典 翻譯 文法 同義詞詞典 +Plus 劍橋詞典+Plus 劍橋詞典+Plus 我的主頁 +Plus 幫助 退出 {{userName}} 劍橋詞典+Plus 我的主頁 ...

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