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  1. Yahoo奇摩字典
    KK [stɪtʃ]

    n. 名詞

    • 1. 一針;針腳;線跡[C] Oh dear! I've dropped a stitch. 啊呀!我漏了一針。
    • 2. (縫合傷口的)針線[P1] He had twelve stitches on his face. 他臉上縫了十二針。

    vt. 及物動詞

    • 1. 縫;繡;編結[(+up)] The doctor stitched the cut on his head. 醫生縫合了他頭部的傷口。
    • 2. 聯結,固定;裝訂

    vi. 不及物動詞

    • 1. 縫紉;編結 She picked up her embroidery and started stitching. 她拿起刺繡活兒繡了起來。
    • 2. 來回移動

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  2. stitch noun (THREAD) Add to word list. Add to word list. C2 [ C ] a piece of thread sewn in cloth, or the single movement of a needle and thread into and out of the cloth that produces this. (缝纫的)针脚;一针. Secure the two pieces together with a couple of stitches. 缝上几针,把两块布缝在一起。.

  3. 2013年10月24日 · Streaming Now on Disney+ – Sign Up at because it's so adorable when Stitch talks.SUBSCRIBE to get notified when new Oh My Disney v...

  4. 來源(1): 朗道英漢字典 [langdao-ec] *[stitʃ] n. 一針, 疼痛, 針法, 碎布條, 針腳. vt. 縫, 縫合, 裝訂. vi. 縫, 縫合, 裝訂. 【醫】 縫線; 刺痛.

  5. stitch中文意思::一針…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋stitch的中文翻譯,stitch的發音,三態,音標,用法和造句等。She stitched a pocket on the new apron .她在新圍裙上縫上一只口袋。The wound was closed with fourteen stitches.傷口縫了十四針。A stitch in time saves nine . ...

  6. 下載Stitch - 滾動截屏,輕鬆錄製各種長圖」並在 iPhone、iPad 和 iPod touch 上盡享豐富功能。 ‎最好用的長圖拼接軟件 1.滾動截屏錄長圖 2.網頁長圖一鍵保存 3.智能識別電影台詞區域 4.智能替換微信聊天記錄中的頭像 5.精準高清拼接圖片,不壓縮畫質,不需二次編輯 ...

  7. Stitch. 是一款在編號網格內刺繡的休閒益智遊戲。主要目標是填滿各關卡的區塊,不留空隙並完成刺繡圈。 Stitch. 可讓你創建美麗的刺繡圖案,破解各種難度和尺寸的關卡和刺繡圈。容易上手,但易學難精! 可繡出所有美麗風景、植物、動物、物件等。

  8. 2002年6月20日 · Release Date: June 20, 2002. Genre: Action-Adventure, Animation, Family, Science Fiction. In Lilo and Stitch, get ready to crash-land on Earth with Stitch, a runaway genetic experiment from a faraway planet.

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