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  1. 儲值卡,學名叫做Stored-Value Card,這是因為卡片是用特殊的IC晶片,將複雜且大量的資料儲存在卡片裡,由於功能較多且較為方便,所以又有智慧卡之稱。. 儲值卡同時也是塑膠貨幣的一種,也是晶片卡的一種,係具有給付現金功能的卡片,消費者須先向發行機構 ...

  2. 2024年4月10日 · 隨著 快速支付系統(Faster Payment System,FPS) 「轉數快的啟動,「轉數快成為全球獨一無二可連接儲值支付工具SVFStored Value Facilities)的FPS系統。. 究竟什麼是SVF?. 拾捌堂為大家介紹。. 編輯推介: FPS Identifier是什麼?. 2分鐘教你如何用FPS購物! SVF是一種 ...

  3. A stored-value card ( SVC) is a payment card with a monetary value stored on the card itself, not in an external account maintained by a financial institution. This means no network access is required by the payment collection terminals as funds can be withdrawn and deposited straight from the card.

  4. The stored value in the electronic stored value card under this Act shall not exceed NT$10,000. The maximum stored value in electronic stored value cards mentioned in the preceding paragraph may be adjusted by the order of the Competent Authority in view of

    • 2023-01-04
    • Financial Supervisory Commission(金融監督管理委員會)
  5. The following electronic stored value cards shall be registered by name: 1. Those that are co-branded with other financial payment instruments; however, it does not apply those issued before April 1, 2012. 2. Those that can be used for internet transactions. 3. Those that can be automatically reloaded from a linked financial payment instrument.

    • 2023-04-25
    • Financial Supervisory Commission(金融監督管理委員會)
  6. › english › vocabulary加值|add value|經理人

    2019年2月22日 · 「加值」是習慣使用儲值卡(stored value card)消費的消費者,常常需要做的事,其英文的說法為 add value。例如,悠遊卡就是居住在北部的朋友,時常用來支付捷運車資、公車車資或便利商店小額消費的工具。

  7. 1. The electronic stored value card must have an independent and unique ID or the function of authentication to ensure its validity. 2. Electronic stored value card that adopts user ID +fixed password shall have the following security designs: