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    • 1. 勞累過度; 鼓足幹勁 I'd be glad if you could help me, but don't strain yourself. 假如你能幫助我我很高興, 但是不要勞累過度。

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      • idiom 1 : to injure oneself by making one's muscles do too much work Don't strain yourself trying to move the couch. 2 : to put a lot of physical or mental effort into doing something Don't strain yourself trying to think of the answer. I can tell you what it is. oneself
  2. 其他人也問了

  3. a force or influence that stretches, pulls, or puts pressure on something, sometimes causing damage. 壓力;拉力,張力;作用力. The hurricane put such a strain on the bridge that it collapsed. 在颶風強大的威力之下,橋塌了。 As you get older, excess weight puts a lot of strain on the heart. 隨著年齡的增長,體重過重會給心臟造成很大負擔。

  4. 沪江词库精选strain oneself是什么意思、英语单词推荐. 劳累过度. 鼓足干劲. 相似短语. strain oneself 劳累过度 鼓足干劲. strain oneself to the limit 竭尽全力. on the strain 处于紧张状态,紧张地. at the strain 处于紧张状态,紧张地. strain at v. 紧拉,紧拖. strain drain strain drain (由 brain drain 衍生而来) 由于工作压力太大而导致的人才流失, 人才外流. failure strain 破坏应变. maintain oneself 自立,坚持己见.

  5. strain oneself - 英中 – Linguee词典. 英语-中文 正在建设中. strain (oneself) 费力 () 也可见: strain ( sth.) 名 — 压力 名. ·. 吃力 名. ·. 张力 名. ·. 扭伤 名. ·. 血缘 名. ·. 负担 名. ·. 拉紧 名. ·. (Strain)人名 斯特兰 名. strain ( sth.) 动 — 应变 动. ·. 滤去... ·. 拉紧 () 动. ·. 竭力... ·. 尽力 动. ·. 滥用 动. oneself 名 — 自 名. ·. 己 名. ·.

  6. adjective. uk / streɪnd / us / streɪnd / Add to word list. If a relationship is strained, problems are spoiling it. (關係)緊張的,惡化的. Relations between the two countries have become strained (= difficult) recently. 最近兩國關係變得緊張起來。 showing that someone is nervous or worried. 緊張的,焦慮的,神色不安的. She was looking strained and had dark circles beneath her eyes.

  7. DJ [strein] 美式. vt. 拉緊;拖緊;伸張;盡力睜大(眼);竭力喊 [O2] vi. 盡力,使勁 [(+at/after/under)] [+to-v];緊拉;緊拖 [(+at)] n. 拉緊;張力 [C] [U];負擔,沉重壓力 [U] [C] 過去式:strained 過去分詞:strained 現在分詞:straining.

  8. Glosbe Translate. 类似于 "to strain (oneself)" 的短语,可翻译成 中文. to be a strain. to strain or filter. 沥 · 瀝. to strain off. 淘选 · 淘選. to sift, to strain. to strain to hear sth. 竖起耳朵 · 豎起耳朵. to injure by straining. 拉伤 · 拉傷. 扭伤 · 抒 · 拉紧 · 淋 · 淘析 · 滗 · 潷 · 篘 · 紧张 · 累 · 釗 · 钊. 在上下文、翻译记忆库中将“to strain (oneself)"翻译成 中文. OpenSubtitles2018.v3.