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    • 1. 小睡,打盹,午睡

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  2. 2018年5月17日 · 除了最常見的 take a nap 之外,打盹或是小睡可以用 take a cat nap。 A: You are always taking a cat nap! What did you do at night? 你永遠都在打盹耶!你晚上都在做什麼啊? B: Nothing, just being a night owl. 沒做什麼啊,就當夜貓子。 6. take a snooze 打盹

  3. verb [ I ] uk / næp / us / næp / -pp- to sleep for a short time, especially during the day. (尤指日間的)打盹,小睡. He likes to nap for an hour when he gets home from work. 他喜歡下班回家後小睡一個小時。 (nap在劍橋英語-中文(繁體)詞典的翻譯 © Cambridge University Press) nap的 例句. She settled on my chest in a comfortable position, as she would have done had she been napping on my son.

  4. 2018年4月25日 · 睡午覺、瞇一下、打瞌睡⋯英文怎麼說? 6個和take a nap相似用法,上班族一定用得到. 小睡片刻的英文不只有take a nap可以說。 (來源:Dreamstime/典匠影像) 撰文者:VoiceTube看影片學英語. 自己英文自己救 2024.02.08. 摘要. get some shut-eye,字面翻譯就是「閉目養神」,也代表小睡片刻。 說到「睡覺」,會有好幾個 Z 在頭上飄來飄去的畫面,所以也可以用catch come Z’s,表示小睡一下。 點頭「度估」,可以用nod off / doze off來表達。 不管是午休時間,或是隨時瞌睡蟲來襲時想要說「我睡一下」,除了 take a nap 還有哪些其他說法? 讓小V向你介紹怎麼靈活運用這句話吧!

  5. 2020年10月29日 · 1. Better cognition. Taking a power nap leaves you feeling more alert. In turn, your brain should function more efficiently. Research also shows that naps reduce the level of adenosine in the...

  6. 片語. "take a nap" 例句. My cat always takes a nap on the cushion. 我的貓總是在坐墊上打瞌睡。 I'm quite tired, so I'm going to take a short nap. 我很累,所以我要去小睡一下。 "take a nap" 相關課程教材. I take a nap: 我小憩: 瀏覽教材. They searched the map for somewhere they could pull in and take a nap. 他們在地圖上找可以停車打個瞌睡的地方。 瀏覽教材. Social media users urged people to take a nap during the day.

  7. 英. 释义. v. 小睡一下,睡午觉; 打盹儿; 眯盹儿. 点击 人工翻译 ,了解更多 人工释义. 实用场景例句. 全部. Why don't you take a nap? 你干吗不打个盹儿? 辞典例句. I usually get up early, and take a nap after lunch. 我一般起床较早, 午饭后小睡一会儿. 酒店英语口语25天快训. Follow Einstein's advice: take a nap. What does your intuition tell you? 接受爱因斯坦的意见吧: 打个小打盹儿. 互联网. Why do I have to take a nap? I'm not tired. 为什么我一定要午睡 呢 ?我不累.

  8. 英漢例句. take a nap so you can free dream. 小睡一下,做個輕松的夢. take a nap or go to bed earlier instead. 小睡一會或者晚上早些就寢。 steven: before the baby was born, i used to work all day without feeling sleepy. i didn「t use to take a nap at lunchtime. 史蒂文:孩子出生前,我整天地工作, 從沒覺得困過,中午也不打盹。 want to take a nap in bruce willis」s bed? 想在布魯斯·威利斯的床上小睡一會嗎?

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