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  2. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF SOMETHING的意思、解釋及翻譯:1. to use the good things in a situation: 2. to treat someone badly in order to get something good…。 了解更多。 詞典

  3. 2019年4月26日 · 他入會是來揩油的。. 最後注意:take the advantage ofsb/sth不是一個固定詞組,意思和 take advantage of sth/sb 相近,take 可以用have替換.例如:She had the good advantage of a good education.她具有受過良好教育的有利條件。. ... 1利用;利用 to make use of sth well; to make use of an ...

  4. phrase. Add to word list. B1. to use the good things in a situation. 利用;利用…的機會. I thought I'd take advantage of the sports facilities while I'm here. 我想趁我在這兒期間,好好利用一下這裡的體育設施。 I took advantage of my boss's absence to catch up with some correspondence. We are taking advantage of the strong euro and are going to visit the US.

  5. take advantage of后面加sb还是sth? 关注者. 3. 被浏览. 2,531. 3 个回答. Tudor 译道世家 . 麦考瑞大学 高级翻译硕士. take advantage of 与 someone 或 something 搭配都符合句法规范,不过所表达含义的感情色彩有所不同,如: 1。 take advantage of a chance/opportunity(褒义或中性)抓住机遇、趁机. 2。 take advantage of a person (贬义)利用某人(善良、天真、软弱、无知、糊涂等特点)对其进行剥削/压榨/欺负. 编辑于 2023-05-13 20:11. CA留学移民Julie . 多年加拿大上学工作经历,希望能相互帮助。

  6. Dr.eye 譯典通片語. take advantage of. ph. 利用, 善用; 佔便宜. 釋義. 同反義. 相關詞. ph. 片語. 1. 利用, 善用; 佔便宜 Jean took advantage of the lunch hour to finish her homework. 杰妮利用午飯的時間做完了家庭作業。 He took advantage...

  7. 英文裡的「take advantage of + 物」用法有兩種意思,第一種是佔別人便宜,受詞通常是人,第二種意思則是利用某種機會、優勢、好處或便利,兩種意思的使用時機及意義都不一樣,有時候要看上下文的意思來判斷,這裡就

  8. idiom. Add to word list. to use an opportunity to achieve results, sometimes in an unfair way: Let’s take advantage of the good weather and go to the beach. take advantage of someone. idiom. to use someone's weakness to improve your situation: Don't you realize that he's taking advantage of you and your money?