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    KK [trit]

    vt. 及物動詞

    • 1. 對待;看待,把……看作[O][(+as/like)] Do not treat this serious matter as a joke. 不要把這件嚴肅的事情當作笑料。
    • 2. 處理;為……塗上保護層 This substance must be treated with acid. 這材料得用酸來處理。

    vi. 不及物動詞

    • 1. 探討;論述[(+of/about)] This book treats of economic problems. 這本書探討經濟問題。
    • 2. 談判,協商[(+for/with)]

    n.[C] 可數名詞

    • 1. 請客 It's my treat. 我請客。
    • 2. 難得的樂事 It's a great treat for them to go to the theater. 他們去看戲真是樂事。

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  2. TREAT翻译:对付, 对待, 给予治疗, 治疗,医治, 为…付款, 请(客);款待, 涂抹, (用特殊物质)涂抹,处理, 特殊经历, 乐事;享受;特别款待, 为…付款, 很好;效果不错。. 了解更多。.

  3. 爱词霸权威在线词典,为您提供treat的中文意思,treat的用法讲解,treat的读音,treat的同义词,treat的反义词,treat的例句等英语服务。

  4. 動詞. 醫治, 治療, 處理. "treat" 例句. The faster a stroke victim is treated, the better their chances are for recovery. 中風發作者越早接受治療,他們恢復的機率就越大。. She is being treated for a bad cold. 她正為嚴重感冒接受治療。. Doctors typically treat dozens of patients in a single day ...

  5. 動詞 [ 編輯] treat (第三人稱單數簡單現在時 treats, 現在分詞 treating, 一般過去時及過去分詞 treated) ( 不及物) 討論 , 會談 , 談判 (+ for / with) (自13世紀). 1955, J. R. R. Tolkien, The Return of the King, George Allen & Unwin: Now halting a few paces before the Captains of the West he looked them ...

  6. treat中文的意思、翻譯及用法:n. 請客;款待n. (Treat)人名;(英)特里特vi. 探討;請客;協商vt. 治療;對待;探討;視為。英漢詞典提供【treat】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等

  7. treat n 1: something considered choice to eat [syn: {dainty}, {delicacy}, {goody}, {kickshaw}, {treat}] 2: an occurrence that causes special pleasure or delight v 1: interact in a certain way; "Do right by her"; "Treat him with caution, please"; "Handle the

  8. 2.款待,請 (客) (to);招待。. 3.探討,論述。. 4.【化,醫】處理 (藥品等);涂 (藥等);醫治,治療。. vi. 款待,請客;商議,談判,交涉,協商 (with); 討論 (of; upon)。. I'll treat you to a bottle of beer. 我請你喝一瓶啤酒。. treat a disease 治病。. a treating plant 凈化 (處理 ...

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