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  1. 起初, “Unities(有逸)” 于2016年注册于德国,不过研发、生产都是在国内,所以当成国产品牌看就好了。. 品牌虽然小众了一些,但在净水器、空气净化器领域确实做得不错,有自己的设计团队和研发团队,在业内是比较有实力的后起之秀。. 在净水器领域主 ...

  2. Unities, in drama, the three principles derived by French classicists from Aristotle’s Poetics; they require a play to have a single action represented as occurring in a single place and within the course of a day. These principles were called, respectively, unity of action, unity of place, and.

    • The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica
  3. the three unities ph. 【文】三一律(一個情節,一個地點,一個時間) Dr.eye 譯典通 更多解釋 unity IPA[ˈjuːnəti] 美式 英式 n. 整體性; 統一性 the painting seems to lack unity ...

  4. UNITY翻譯:聯合;一致;團結;和睦。了解更多。 A unity that includes all possible worlds seems to have a greater kind of existence than one that merely exists in all possible worlds.

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  6. The classical unities, Aristotelian unities, or three unities represent a prescriptive theory of dramatic tragedy that was introduced in Italy in the 16th century and was influential for three centuries. The three unities are: unity of action: a tragedy should have one

  7. unity n 1: an undivided or unbroken completeness or totality with nothing wanting; " the integrity of the nervous system is required for normal development "; " he took measures to insure the territorial unity of Croatia " [ syn: { integrity }, { unity }, { wholeness }]