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  1. WREST翻譯:辛苦謀求;費力取得, 奪取;攫取。了解更多。 The committee concluded that, at its worst, labour-only sub-contracting produced faulty work by irresponsible men concerned only with wresting the greatest possible gain from the industry.

    • 繁體

      EFFORT翻譯:氣力;精力;努力, (尤指不理想的或難以確定的 ...

  2. formal. to get something with effort or difficulty. 辛苦谋求;费力取得. The shareholders are planning to wrest control of the company (away) from the current directors. 股东们正在计划从现任董事们手中夺取公司的控制权。. to violently pull something away from someone. 夺取;攫取.

  3. 用力擰(或拉). 2. 奪取,強奪 He wrested it from her hands. 他從她手裡奪到了它。. 3. 費力取得 The policeman wrested the truth out of her. 那警察好不容易才從她那兒了解到真情。. 4. 歪曲,曲解 The report wrests the facts out of their true meaning.

  4. 從某人手中強搶某個東西 Without saying a word, he wrested the gun from the assailant. 他一句話也沒說就從歹徒手中將槍搶過來。

  5. colour 顏色;臉紅;面色;膚色;顏料;趣味;旗幟;風格;鮮明生動. wrest away 奪取. Wrest Judgment 屈枉. twist 轉動,旋轉,擰;扭曲;扭傷;(棍棒)扭轉力;繞軸旋轉前進;(胸線)纏度;(故事或情況的)轉折;急轉彎處; 螺旋狀的東西;(英)紙包裝;卷曲 ...

  6. 1. it is difficult to wrest oneself away. 很难让自己抽身事外。. 3. wrested the book out of his hands; wrested the islands from the settlers. 6. wrested power from the monarchy. 7. wrest the meaning from an obscure poem. 8. wrested the words out of context. 9. The usurper wrested the power from the king. 篡位者从国王手里 取了 ...