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  1. A1 初級 中文 美國腔 大腦 認知 社交 神經 儲備 海馬迴 不進行社交對大腦會有什麼影響,又該如何修復損害呢?(What Social Isolation Does To Your Brain – How To Undo The

  2. A1 初級 中文 美國腔 天氣 加拿大人 某人 氣溫 片語 代表 You can say that again 跟 I couldn't agree more 是什麼意思?跟著加拿大人 Bob 一起學吧!(Learn the English Phrases YOU CAN SAY THAT AGAIN and I COULDN'T AGREE MORE - An English Lesson)

  3. Akira Toriyama was born on April 5th in 1955 in Japan. 鳥山明於 1955 年 4 月 5 日出生於日本。. He was an artist from a young age. 他從小就是一名藝術家。. Before becoming a manga artist, he worked at an advertising agency in Nagoya, designing posters for a few years. 在成為漫畫家之前,他曾在名古屋的一家 ...

  4. 社會上地位最為顯赫之人會使用最高級的方式把遺體製成木乃伊。. Firstly, the body was washed in water and salt. 首先,遺體會用清水及鹽巴洗淨。. The brain was then removed and discarded using a hook through the nostrils. 接著用鉤子將大腦從鼻孔勾出並丟棄。. The body was then slit open and ...

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