Yahoo奇摩 網頁搜尋


  1. This is TSMC, Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company, commanding more than 50% of the global market, producing more than 90% of the world's most advanced chips. 這就是台積電,臺灣半導體製造公司,佔據全球 50% 以上的市場份額,生產全球 90% 以上最先進的晶片。

  2. The foundations are being laid for the revival of an industry Japan once dominated. 北海道,千歲。. 正在為日本曾經主導的產業的復興。. In three years time, it's intended there will be an advanced chipmaking foundry on the site, producing cutting edge two nanometer chips. 計劃在三年內建成一家先進的芯片製造 ...

  3. 東京一直在斥資數十億美元努力振興國內的晶片生產,而且還向臺灣公司提供了大量補貼。 Now the fab uses tsmc's local subsidiary name, JASM, which includes local tech giants like Sony and Denso. 現在,該晶圓廠使用台積電在當地的子公司名稱 JASM,其中包括索尼和電裝等當地科技巨頭。 And certainly, the sheer scale and significance of JASM is clear. 當然,JASM 的規模和重要性是顯而易見的。

  4. Amazon makes two different AI chips, named for its two essential functions, training and inference. 亞馬遜生產了兩種不同的人工智慧晶片,以其兩個基本功能命名:訓練和推理。. Training is where an AI model is set millions of examples of something, images of cats, for instance, to teach it what a cat is and what it ...

  5. 跟著 CNN、NPR、BBC 等國際媒體,掌握專業新聞用語,即時更新時事單字,用英文掌握國際趨勢.

  6. 中文 B1 中級. 字幕已審核 02:59. 中國電動車價格殺瘋了!. 只要台幣三十萬就能買到全新電動車,此舉是否會擾亂全球電車市場?. (China's leading electric vehicle maker selling cars for $10,000) 7504. 中文 B1 中級. 07:57. 華為智慧手機震驚美國,為什麼?.

  7. Web 3.0 被視為網際網路的第三代,一個區塊鏈的去中心化網路生態系統。 Web 3.0 represents kind of a new philosophy about how to realize these technologies in a more distributed and democratic way. Web 3.0 代表了一種新的哲學,有關如何在更分散、民主的方式實現這個科技。 Venture capitalists have invested billions into this vision, but some tech experts are unconvinced that Web 3.0 could scale globally.