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  1. The gold is on one of the Goal Cards, but nobody knows which. Players have cards in hand. On a player's turn, he must do one of three things: place a Path Card into the mine, play an Action Card in front of a player, or pass. The Path Cards form paths leading to the Goal Cards.

    • (33.1K)
  2. Distilled is a highly thematic strategy card game about crafting spirits in a distillery, with resource management and push-your-luck elements.

    • (5.2K)
  3. 2019年1月24日 · Root Guide: Chapter 1 – The Dice, the Board and the Cards. So this is my first attempt at ever making a strategy guide for a game, and I hardly know what makes me qualified to do so! I will say though that at this stage I've had a decent

  4. Download the BGG App on the App Store Download the BGG App on the Google Play Store

  5. In Alchemists, two to four budding alchemists compete to discover the secrets of their mystical art. Points can be earned in various ways, but most points are earned by publishing theories – correct theories, that is — and therein lies the problem. The game is played in six rounds.

  6. In Living Forest, you play as a nature spirit who will try to save the forest and its sacred tree from the flames of Onibi. But you are not alone in your mission as the animal guardians have come together to lend a hand around the Circle of Spirits where you progress.

  7. 在挖掘山脈的途中,你有可能會經由水源而因此發現紅寶石 ,讓你的財富增加。 在你山洞的正前方的大片森林蘊藏生機,透過刀耕火種將其闢為良田,辛勤耕作來增加糧食,圍起圈地來飼養家畜,而遊戲結束時,最能善用家園的矮人將獲得勝利。

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