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  1. 另一件有用的事情是促進健康腸道微生物組的食物。. Now, I'll make an entire video on how important your gut bacteria is for mental health, but long story short, 我會製作一個完整的影片介紹腸道細菌對心理健康的重要性,但長話短說,. most of the serotonin in your body is in your gut, and having ...

  2. 學這些英文用法:三明治,喬伊,火雞,餅乾,起司,雞肉,蛋糕,好吃,太太,錢德勒,莫妮卡,寄給,卡住,可樂,豆子,牛肉,香蕉,完,披薩,好笑,甜點,好事,試試,偷吃,輸家,警察局,舞者,盆子,天阿,奇怪,樓下,小偷,警官,的天,劇情,肉汁,英式,糟糕,豌豆,的天啊,瑞秋,牛仔褲,羅斯,果醬

  3. 我的意思是,水煮蔬菜會讓蔬菜的養分流失是一般常識嗎? 至少你是這麼以為的。 Sorry, friends, but, once again, you've been lied to! 對不起朋友們,但是,你們又再次受騙了。 In this video, I'm going to take the seven most commonly-believed myths that you likely still believe about healthy food and explain the truth behind them. 在這支影片中,我將會揭曉七個廣受大眾誤解,你可能至今仍舊相信的健康食物謠言,並且講解背後真正的狀況。

  4. 該研究對 22 組基因相同的雙胞胎進行了 8 週的追蹤調查其中一對雙胞胎吃純素飲食另一對雙胞胎吃雜食

  5. 什麼叫人類生來就不能吃麵包? Well if you think about it, 你想想看一件事 human beings should really only be eating what our paleolithic ancestors ate. 人類應該只我們舊石器時代的祖先所的東西 So, therefore, no bread, no toast. 所以不吃麵包也不吃吐司

  6. 新年期間會蛋捲或春捲. because after they're fried, they look like little bars of gold. 因為它們油炸過後看起來像小金條. Whatever you do, do not serve white foods to celebrate the new year. White foods are things like tofu. 不論你做什麼要用白色的食物慶祝新年,白色的食物就是像豆腐之類 ...

  7. 因為他們確認這款藥是不是對的、你是不適合、你了會會有什麼問題。 And also check what medicines you ' re taking because certain medicines can actually cause constipation. 並確認一下你服用的是什麼藥,因為有些藥其實可能導致便秘。

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