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  1. 東京女子医科大学の公式サイトです。 新宿区。 医学部看護学部看護専門学校のキャンパスライフや国際交流入学案内入試情報など東京女子医科大学に関する情報を掲載しています

  2. School of Medicine - Tokyo Women's Medical University. Ideal environment for learning with various education and research facilities including advanced medicine facilities having state-of-the-art equipment.

  3. Tokyo Women’ s Medical University is the only medical university accepting only women in Japan. Published results of public health science researches have indicated that female physicians are superior to male physicians in terms of certain indices.

  4. 献体登録について. 医学・歯学の大学で行われる人体解剖実習の教材・研究の対象として、自分の遺体を無条件・無報酬で提供する篤志行為の事を献体といいます。. 生前に、ご本人の意志とご家族の同意によってご登録いただき、亡くなられた時、そのご ...

  5. Overview. The Department of Cardiology was established in 1955 as the internal medicine division of the “Heart Institute Japan affiliated with Tokyo Women's Medical University”, and has been playing a leading role as a pioneer of cardiovascular clinical care in Japan. We have about 76,000 patients in outpatients division and 29,000 ...

  6. › U › englishtwmu_e_history

    Tokyo Women's Health Care Vocational School founded for the training of public health nurses (closed in 1951) 1947 Medical school reorganized and renamed Tokyo Women's Medical University Premedical School (1932) 1951 Nursing School founded 1953 ...

  7. Tokyo Women's Medical University Tokyo Women's Medical University TEL. 03-3353-8111 〒162-8666 8-1, Kawada-cho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo School of Medicine School of Medicine Neurosurgery Overview Neurosurgery is a medical specialty fields that focuses ...

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