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  1. 活動辦法:. 過年期間在paqqo的官方LINE上抽獎拿折價券,金額從288到888通通有. 活動時間:. 除夕~初五 (2/11~2/16),每天都可以抽一次. 祝大家Happy 牛 year,牛轉乾坤行大運. #記得每天都要到LINE上面抽獎,#新年幫自己換一件新的工作服吧!. 過年暫停出貨期間: 2/9 ...

  2. The urine dipstick primarily detects albumin but not other proteins, such as immunoglobulin light chains. This test is highly specific, but not very sensitive for the detection of proteinuria; it becomes positive only when protein excretion exceeds 300 to 500 mg/day.

  3. 更新日期:2010/01/20 20:51. 台中劉小弟日前打完疫苗,不到1個月突然死亡,家屬傷心難過,要了解到底是什麼原因造成,解剖報告晚間已經出爐,表示劉小弟的死亡,與施打新流感疫苗是無關的。. 襄閱主任檢察官徐錫祥:「死者劉小弟弟是7歲,因噬血症候群導致 ...

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