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  1. 5 天前 · 花蓮縣從昨天晚間至今晨地震不斷,前美國職籃NBA球星霍華德心繫台灣,今天在社群平台發文表示,正在籌劃一些大計畫,協助台灣受災民眾,「我想我必須回歸台灣」。. 「魔獸」霍華德(Dwight Howard)上季加盟台灣職籃T1聯盟桃園雲豹,成為台灣籃壇史上最大 ...

  2. 5 天前 · 花蓮本月初遭遇嚴重地震,至今餘震不斷,曾來台灣打職籃的球星「魔獸」霍華德(Dwight Howard)也在個人IG關心台灣的情況,寫道「為台灣祈禱 ...

  3. 5 天前 · Published. 1 小時 ago. 圖片來源:IG@dwighthoward. 花蓮 0403 強震後餘震不斷,昨日 (4/22) 下午起有感地震頻發,規模最大來到 6.3,首當其衝的花蓮再有大樓傾倒。 曾來台打球的前 NBA 球星魔獸霍華德 Dwight Howard 再度於社群發聲表達關切,並透露「我想我必須回歸台灣」。 延伸閱讀: 不忘台灣球迷! Dwight Howard 超暖發文為花蓮祈福,網讚:謝謝聖光獸! 魔獸:「我想我必須回歸臺灣,帶著最大的援助與笑容回來了! image via 桃園雲豹. 曾加盟 T1 桃園雲豹的「魔獸」霍華德 Dwight Howard,即便離開台灣後依然時時關心台灣動態。

  4. 4 天前 · Former NBA star Dwight Howard has pledged to support Taiwan following this month’s major earthquake and aftershocks, promising to return to the island to assist. Howard, who signed with...

  5. 1 天前 · Dwight Howard hasn't played in the NBA since the 2021-22 season when he was a productive role player for the Los Angeles Lakers. The former superstar averaged 6.2 points and 5.9 rebounds per ...

  6. 5 天前 · Howard, who won a title with the Lakers in the 2019-20 season, shared that he wants to come back to Taiwan as well. “I gotta come back,” Howard said. “I would love to come back to Taiwan very soon to help the relief project for all the fans there.”. Howard shared that he wants to bring smiles back to the fans and people of Taiwan and ...

  7. 5 天前 · During the series, Dwight Howard has started campaigning for a return to the Los Angeles Lakers, as he believes he is capable of stopping Nikola Jokic. Howard played for the Lakers for two...

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