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  1. Overview. The Department of Pediatric Surgery of Tokyo Women's Medical University had been providing pediatric surgical care as a pediatric group within the former Second Department of Surgery, but became independent as a hospital-affiliated department in April 2015. Currently, our department is not a part of the core fields, but we are in ...

  2. About us. We often feel that the key to the successful management of a disease of unknown pathogenesis in our field of specialization is always hidden in some unfamiliar field. The slogan of our department is ‘From incurable to curable’. Are you satisfied with the present standard treatment of intractable diseases associated with ...

  3. 研究分野も多岐にわたり、私はアレルギーも専門にしていますが、アレルギーに最も重要な免疫グロブリンのIgE抗体は、東京女子医大の大先輩である石坂照子先生、公成先生により発見され、免疫分野において日本の先生がたくさん活躍していて、呼吸器 ...

  4. ARUGA Atsushi. Name. ARUGA Atsushi. Department. Institute of Advanced Biomedical Engineering and Science (Tokyo Women’s Medical University) Joint Graduate School of Tokyo Women’s Medical University and Waseda University, Cooperative Major in Advanced Biomedical Sciences. Title.

  5. Name KOBAYASHI Etsuko Department Institute of Advanced Biomedical Engineering and Science (Tokyo Women’s Medical University) Division of Biomedical Engineering and Science, Graduate School of Medicine-Faculty of Advance Techno Surgery Title

  6. 超音波気管支鏡ガイド下針生検(EBUS-TBNA). EBUS-TBNAは気管・気管支周囲の病変に対してリアルタイムに針生検を可能とした手技であり、挿入部先端外径が6.9mmのコンベックス走査式超音 波気管支鏡(図1)を用いて行います。. 気管支鏡と超音波が一体となっ ...

  7. 女性科. 乳腺外科. 資格. 日本外科学会 専門医. 日本乳癌学会 認定医. 日本乳がん検診精度管理中央機構 マンモグラフィー読影認定医師. 日本乳がん検診精度管理中央機構 乳腺超音波読影医師. 繁永 礼奈. 職位.

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